您正在浏览:主页 > 游戏新闻 > 沙县小吃在美国开业3小时就关门 竟因人太多!
作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2020-12-01 14:11
如今,沙县小吃来到了纽约,深受当地人的喜爱。 最新开张的这家分店坐落于美国纽约布鲁克林第八大道(818 60th St Brooklyn),过去一个月里,在用餐高峰期,每两分钟就有一份订单。 为了迎合外国顾客的口味,沙县小吃不仅仅保持了传统制作工艺,还进行了改良。 餐饮连锁店沙县小吃起源于中国东部福建省沙县,已经在中国大获成功,经营花生酱拌面和猪肉馄饨等传统小吃。沙县小吃的制作工艺已有1000多年历史,随着当地人离开家乡远赴外地工作而传播开来。 "When the customers can see the cooking process, it puts them at ease over food safety," said Shao. 你们说,下一个走出国门的中国小吃会是啥? Originating in Shaxian County, east China's Fujian province, the Shaxian Delicacies restaurant chain has already become a great success in China, presenting customers with traditional snacks, such as peanut butter noodles and pork wontons. Their recipes originated from more than 1,000 years ago, and spread as locals left their hometown afar for work. 今年早些时候,沙县小吃在日本东京的高田马场站开张了首家海外分店。据报道,开店的前5个小时营业额就达到了20万日元(约合11950元人民币)。截至9月底,这家80平米的店月均营业额已达大约500万日元。 "In my childhood, food stalls could be seen everywhere in my hometown in Fuzhou. But this is just a small step for the company, the Shaxian Delicacies, in going global," said Ms Shao. 还有一对夫妇把武汉的传统美食热干面带到了意大利,他们在佛罗伦萨开了一家热干面餐馆,吸引了很多当地食客,非常受欢迎。 高质低价的沙县小吃已成为当地的支柱产业,年营业额超过100亿元人民币。 不敢相认的黄焖鸡米饭 最重要的是,它还是限量版的,每天只供应200份。要是来晚了,对不起,明儿您请早! 沙县小吃制作工艺渊源传自古中原一带民俗,在沙县民间有着浓厚的文化底蕴,被称为古代汉族传统饮食的“活化石”,2007年,沙县小吃制作工艺被福建省政府列入“非物质文化遗产”名录。 开业首日三小时关门 餐厅从早上8点营业到晚上11点。午餐时间是客流高峰期,顾客多得要排队拿号。也有许多人会打电话订餐,然后再到店里自取。 To create a clean and brightly-lit environment, the owner of the Shaxian Delicacies eatery in New York, Shao Binfang, a 34-year-old Chinese American born in Fuzhou, designed an open kitchen in her restaurant. 去年,被国外媒体热炒的黄焖鸡米饭也在美国落地了。 "A basket of steamed dumplings for 50 cents, delicious but not expensive, that's my childhood memories of the Shaxian snacks. After I grew up, these snacks represent the diligent spirit of people from Fujian Province," said Lin Liju, investor of the Shaxian Delicacies. Early this year, the company set up its first overseas chain-eatery at Takadanobaba Station in Tokyo, Japan. And the store reportedly made 200,000 yen (about 11,950 yuan) in just five hours after its opening. As of the end of September, the 80-square-meter restaurant has sold around 5 million yen monthly. 老金出生于1977年,最早在美国波士顿大学学习中文,后来在中国留学时被煎饼深深吸引。多年之后,曾做过职业运动员并在媒体、金融业从业的他,下定决心开店卖煎饼。 与在武汉吃的热干面相比,面的味道少了点辣,多了几粒花生米和几分回甜。老板表示,这是经过了一点改良,意大利人喜欢食品中有点甜味,就在萝卜丁的制作过程中,多加了点糖。 With its good quality and competitive price, the Shaxian Delicacies has become a local pillar industry which creates a turnover of over 10 billion yuan annually. 在国内基本不会超过20平米的黄焖鸡小店,到了美国立刻扩大到139平米,40个座位…… 纽约中城的范德比尔特美食集市是周边上班族午饭时间的好去处,入口处一家有中文招牌的摊位前常常排起长队。这家卖的是一种在美国略显“非主流”,但在中国却家喻户晓的小吃——煎!饼! 镇店之王“柳叶眉”蒸饺,保守估计一天能卖出1500个。 和意面PK的热干面 在经过大量试验之后,老金锁定了烤鸭、醉鸡等几种口味的肉。他说,,现在最热销的就是烤鸭味煎饼和原味煎饼。据说,“老金煎饼”一天能卖几百套。 2017年,国内知名兰州拉面老字号“马子禄牛肉面”在日本的首家分店在东京神保町正式开业。 Brian Goldberg, the owner of Mr. Bing's, one of the first Jianbing stands in New York City, ate Jianbing for breakfast when he studied Mandarin in China 20 years ago. Goldberg loved this flap Chinese crepe so much that he brought it to America. Shaxian Delicacies eatery at Takadanobaba Station in Tokyo./ Screenshot via WeChat 中国的餐饮连锁沙县小吃今年10月在美国开张了第一家分店,但在正式对外营业仅3小时后就关门了,因为所有餐食都已售罄。 Now, these snacks have hit the streets of New York City and captured local taste buds. "It is amazing that the Shaxian Delicacies can open its eatery near my house in America. The flavors of the food here are just the same as I remember," said Ms Zheng, who was born in Fuzhou City, the capital of Fujian province. And to distribute semi-finished products to its franchises worldwide, the Shaxian County is building a "central kitchen." 如今,沙县小吃已经分别进驻日本、葡萄牙和美国。 兰州拉面 日本爆红 “老金煎饼”的老板布赖恩·戈德堡在纽约开设了第一家煎饼摊。20年前,他在中国学习汉语时,早餐就常吃煎饼。戈德堡太爱吃煎饼了,还把它带到了美国。 China's restaurant chain serving Shaxian County cuisine has opened its first eatery in the United States in October but closed three hours after it was officially opened to the public as all the dishes on the menu were sold out. 烘烤微焦的馍,配上多汁的卤肉和清爽的蔬菜,每年就能吸引14万名顾客,收入超过一百万美元!如今,“西安名吃”第十家连锁店已经开张,生意仍旧十分火爆。 To adapt to the taste of foreigners, the Shaxian Delicacies has not only maintained the traditional production skills, but also made improvements. 在纽约不少人都在快餐店里买肉夹馍,几乎家家快餐店都有卖,虽然不是原汁原味的但是也足够的受人欢迎,还有的店铺专门聘请中国人来做西安肉夹馍,并且在招牌上标明。我们的肉夹馍,不仅仅是平常美国人的最爱,甚至连美国学者也喜欢吃。 试营业期内,餐厅菜单主打沙县小吃的“四大金刚”——扁肉、拌面、蒸饺和炖罐,再加上包含炖罐、秘制红烧肉、拌青菜和米饭的超值套餐。一顿下来,人均消费与麦当劳、肯德基等美式快餐价位相当。
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