您正在浏览:主页 > 游戏新闻 > “疯狂”的盖·里奇
作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2020-12-01 14:02
——徐峥扮演的墓葬推销商大力向黄渤扮演的耿浩推销一套高级墓地兼“十八相送”服务。 谁是盖里奇? Golden Raspberry Awards Notes 黑老大:“帮我再查一下。” 例句:David steeps himself in the music world. 1. wrong side of the tracks 英伦风 Revolver (2005) 《两杆大烟枪》(1999) 《大侦探福尔摩斯》(2009) 小姐乙暴跳如雷,扯开嗓子大叫:“我都告诉你多少遍了,没有就是没有,我们这可是五星级酒店!?!?” 2008年,盖里奇为耐克拍摄了广告片《Take It to the Next Level》。然后他又导演了第三部关于伦敦黑帮的片子《摇滚帮》,这是他迅速回归到以前电影风格的标志。现在盖里奇正在拍摄新片《福尔摩斯》。 Guy Ritchie was born in Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK in 1968. After watching Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) as a child, Guy realized that what he wanted to do was to make films. He never attended film school, saying that the work of film school graduates was boring and unwatchable. Instead, he made his own kind of films. 例句:In making plans we must draw on designers' suggestions. 例句:She must drop out of the competition because of a cold. In 2008, Ritchie directed a commercial for Nike called Take It to the Next Level. Then he directed his third London gangster movie, Rocknrolla (2008), which was exemplified by Ritchies sharp return to his former film style. Now Ritchie is making a new movie, Sherlock Holmes. Ritchies movies have fragmented plots and a multi-line narrative, much like Tarantinos.Whereas Tarantino tends to divide the plot into several clear parts and then do cross development, Ritchie prefers to have multiple viewpoints on a single scene, such as the crash scene in Smash.They also rely heavily on coincidence. In Ritchies films, anything is possible, and coincidences can send characters lives to Hell – or Heaven. 可能宁浩太过于模仿盖里奇的风格,这部影片之后也许就没有市场了。在《疯狂的赛车》中结局太过平淡,毫无曲折和意外,我们希望他能够发展属于自己的电影。盖里奇也面临着同样的问题,他的后期作品没有一部能够比得上《两杆大烟枪》。 Though he may have enjoyed cultivating his image as a bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks, British filmmaker Guy Ritchies roots are steeped in Englands upper class. Nonetheless, Ritchie has directed some of the most stylish caper comedies about blue collar thugs and other lower class misfits ever to emerge from his native land. Hes also famous for being Madonnas husband – or was, as the two have recently divorced. 1977年出生于中国山西,毕业于北京电影学院摄影系。宁浩的学生电影《星期四,星期三》(2001)获得了当年北京大学生电影节最佳导演奖和中国大学生电影数码媒体竞赛银奖。宁浩的首部电影处女作《香火》(2003)在瑞士罗卡洛举行了首映,并获得东京银座电影节大奖,之后又获得香港国际电影节亚洲DV竞赛单元金奖。该电影同时被香港艺术中心授予2004年最佳电影,也是圣赛瓦斯蒂安、温哥华、慕尼黑、马尼拉、悉尼、加州、台湾南方影展等其他七大国际电影节的评委会入选影片。他的新作《绿草地》入选2004年柏林电影节和香港电影节,并获得上海电影节亚洲区最受欢迎奖。该片在纽约上映期间获得了纽约时报的高度。2006年得到广泛好评的低成本影片《疯狂的石头》使宁浩名声鹊起。《疯狂的赛车》是宁浩与中影华纳横店影视有限公司再次推出的力作,也受到普遍的好评。 《疯狂的石头》 在辍学之后,盖里奇找了份工作,后来被认为是他电影职业生涯的开始。他拍广告片所赚到的钱全都用于投资编写和拍摄《The Hard Case》——一部20分钟的短片,讲述的是一群下层的混混卷入一个暴利的纸牌赌博游戏。这部电影展示了他对工人阶级方言的高超模仿力以及对熟练剪辑以犯罪世界为中心的故事情节的强烈嗜好。最重要的是,《The Hard Case》吸引了斯汀的妻子朱蒂斯蒂勒的注意,随后她投资了盖里奇的第一部电影《两杆大烟枪》。从这部电影开始,盖里奇凭借着对旧电影类型独一无二的改编和颠覆能力开始进军电影界。他巧妙地大量使用快镜头和喋喋不休的伦敦腔对白来营造整个伦敦东区世界。他的主角们都是一群流氓,通过一系列出卖欺骗,把自己陷进了无法想象的困境之中。但电影刚拍摄结束时,他遇到了最大的难题——如何发行,而英国十家发行商都拒绝发行这部影片,直到它引起了汤姆克鲁斯的注意。他在观看了影片后狂笑不止。最终,影片在全美发行。 《疯狂的赛车》 RocknRolla (2008) 妹夫心虚说:“我们这叫不叫多行不义必自毙?”姐夫一脸严肃说:“没有胆量哪来的产量?” Swept Away (2002) 5. draw on 4. his fine-tuned ear for… We have seen multiple characters and intersecting storylines in several Western films, such as Pulp Fiction, but this is the first film by a Chinese director to use this style. With so much switching and double-switching, coincidences and chance encounters this could be very confusing, but Ning believes audiences won't have trouble understanding the plot despite its complications. Replaying events from different perspectives give the viewer time to digest the intricacy of the situations while enjoying the flash, colourful cinematography. The other thing is there are no big-name stars. However, this kind of low-budget style attracts the audiences eye, so that the director can find his own comedy pace and style. ——民工用假名牌,然后向别人炫耀。中国人用假名牌的做法太过普及,用假名牌不可耻的思想也已经深入骨髓了。中层人士用名牌或假名牌满足自己的虚荣心,下层或者普通民众则是明知道是假名牌仍然乐此不疲地购买。 Quick Montage ——“客户”误杀了自己的老婆,BT版雷霆之怒私服,“哼哈二将”发出如上惊叹。 Ritchies movies are very frequently violent, often casually so. This has caused them to be banned or censored in several countries, but his fans claim it conveys the lifestyle the characters, often criminals, lead, as well as adding a kinetic excitement to the films. 《转轮手枪》(2005) 意为“不参与、退出、退学”。
Snatch (2000)
意为“城市中贫民区、贫民阶层”,而born on the wrong side of the tracks就是指出身贫苦。
例句:The magazine revealed that the film star had been born on the wrong side of the tracks.
——“哼哈二将” 的姐夫向胆小的妹夫说要赚钱然后结婚生子。
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