您正在浏览:主页 > 游戏新闻 > 北京北辰洲际酒雷霆之怒BT版店:“料理人生”厨师团队
作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2020-12-01 14:11
Our talented chefs sharing their authentic cuisines 北京北辰洲际酒店“料理人生”厨师团队用快乐的心,做美味的菜,敬候您的光临! 创意厨师团队 料理就像人生,百味并陈却又和谐交融,每道出品又犹如一篇乐章,没有任何语言和文字,却是人类存在最美好的沟通方式。北京北辰洲际酒店“料理人生”厨师团队,一个创意十足的年轻厨师团队,立志为食客烹饪形色俱佳、味道一流的各式菜品,变态版雷霆之怒页游,让您随时能够领略到醇正地道的世界佳肴!融会贯通中西方烹饪理念的啡扬咖啡厅厨师团队用无限创意为您送去别出心裁的惊喜美味;热情如火的意秀意大利餐厅厨师团队用娴熟精准为您打造意餐新体验;不断创造经典甜品的饼房厨师团队用灵感和艺术为您奉上甜蜜时光;厨艺精湛的粤秀轩中餐厅厨师团队用满怀热情为您奉上匠心创意的佳肴与餐饮体验! We invite you to experience some of the most acclaimed dishes in Beijing, prepared by our talented Chefs. Cafe O2 Buffet Restaurant will tantalize your taste buds with a large buffet spread and sumptuous delights. The talents of the Trattoria Italian Restaurant will bring you an authentic Italian cuisine in a romantic atmosphere. Our “sweet, sweet… oh sweet!” pastry chef will surprise you with his wonders. For the ones looking to treat themselves with some local delicacies, come experience our DI Chinese Restaurant, renowned for its Beijing & Cantonese cuisine. A wonderful dining experience is yet to be unveiled and rediscovered again! Culinary, Our PASSION
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