您正在浏览:主页 > 游戏新闻 > D&G涉嫌歧视的广告遭抵BT雷霆之怒制没多久,这个国际品牌竟也这样做...
作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2020-12-28 13:24
随后,汉堡王的广告就“火”了。当然,火的方式可能与他们设想的不同。 截至上周日,Mo上传的视频已经有超过200万人次观看,很多用户都对汉堡王的这一波操作表示愤怒。 Soon after Mo posted the video, it went viral pulling in over 2 million views as of Sunday afternoon, and hundreds of comments from Twitter users expressing their own outrage at the company’s approval of the ad. “这太荒谬了! 谁觉得这是个好主意? ”
D&G涉嫌歧视的“筷子吃披萨”广告遭到抵制没多久,又有一个国际品牌打起了筷子的主意:这回是汉堡王。 因为一则涉嫌对亚裔人群种族歧视的广告,新西兰的汉堡王成为焦点话题。 Burger King’s New Zealand branch is getting grilled after an ad surfaced that many found racist against the Asian community. 在其官方Instagram帐号上,新西兰汉堡王PO出这则广告,旨在推广新品“越南甜辣嫩脆鸡肉堡”。 然而,在广告中却是这样的内容: 食客们尝试用巨大的筷子来吃汉堡,当然都失败了。 Burger King’s New Zealand Instagram account, @burgerkingnz, posted the ad in a promotion of its Vietnamese Sweet Chilli Tendercrisp burger. The ad features several fast food customers attempting – and failing – to eat the chicken burger using giant chopsticks.
在接受《赫芬顿邮报》采访时,Mo表示: “我实在不相信,都2019年还有这种无知的广告存在,我确实花了一会时间才明白自己在看什么。 ” “Because I couldn’t believe such blatantly ignorant ads are still happening in 2019, it honestly took me a second to work out what the heck I was looking at,” Mo told HuffPost in a message. “我看的时候还想着会不会有某种反转——结果并没有,就是这么低级。 ” “I was watching it thinking there must be some kind of layered twist ― only to realise, no, there was no twist, it really was that base level,” she said. 几天后,Mo在推特上说道: “我受够了任何形式的种族主义,任何取笑不同文化的行为,以及那些想要消灭努力争取和平的人的行为,对待这些我们应该坚决说不! ”视频文案还写道:“带上你的味蕾,和我们的越南甜辣嫩脆鸡肉堡一起去胡志明市,这是世界风味之旅的一站。限时供应。” “Take your taste buds all the way to Ho Chi Minh City with our Vietnamese Sweet Chili Tendercrisp, part of our Tastes of the World range. Available for a limited time only,” a caption for the ad read on Instagram. 新西兰韩裔网友MarioMo将广告转发到推特上,并且批判汉堡王如此使用筷子做广告。 Mario Mo, a Korean New Zealander, posted a video of the ad to her Twitter slamming the brand's use of chopsticks with a sarcastic “chopsticks r hilarious right omg etc.” “这就是汉堡王为‘越南’汉堡新做的广告,好吧真酷啊,使用筷子真的有这么好笑吗?”
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