您正在浏览:主页 > 游戏新闻 > 【键盘侠】绿军轻取热BT版雷霆之怒页游火|波士顿还需提高收割比赛能力!
作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2020-12-01 15:04
凯尔特人在比赛还剩7分钟时领先了20分,我依然不放心他们能赢球。 杰伦26分7篮板5助攻3抢断、塔图姆25分14篮板8助攻、沃克21分6篮板2助攻、斯玛特20分6助攻4篮板、海沃德6分5篮板4助攻3抢断;阿德巴约27分16篮板3抢断2盖帽、希罗22分4助攻3篮板、巴特勒17分8篮板3助攻2盖帽、邓肯-罗宾逊13分、德拉季奇11分5助攻、克劳德10分6篮板5助攻。 ———————— That was a dad stache. He looked ready to mow a lawn. It usually does but when others aren't stepping up he still just coasts through the game on offense like a role player [–]Raptors The_Unknown98 2107 指標 4小時前 [–][GSW] Chris Mullin TeTrodoToxin4 96 指標 3小時前 I think the Heat zone is tough for the Cs but caters to Brown's strengths. Doesn't have to play 1-on-1, catches the ball on the run and has the angle to attack. ———————— [–]Knicks TigerBasket 57 指標 4小時前 [–]Celtics Wayne_Spooney 192 指標 4小時前 [–]projectscratchgolf 829 指標 4小時前 公牛球迷:也许是后面打得太累了呢。沃克、布朗和塔图姆今晚都打了40多分钟啊 湖人球迷:巴特勒在热火更衣室咆哮,一群人在争吵,巴特勒大喊“你们打得跟屎一样”,球队情绪随即大爆发。巴特勒人到了卫生间里,更衣室里依然传来了叫喊声。 Hayward didn't fill the stat sheets but they're glaringly a different beast with him. lead went down to 5 at one point 26/5/7 with 3 assists in 43 minutes. Dude was on a mission tonight Defence from the Celtics was very good for most of the game. Jaylen Brown Has been excellent all playoffs forcing turnovers. Miami needed someone other than Adebayo and Herro to step up tonight. Didn’t see much of Jimmy until the 4th. 凯尔特人球迷:我们领先优势一度被蚕食到只剩5分……
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