您正在浏览:主页 > 游戏新闻 > 首都国际机场出入境旅客边检手续办理流程
作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2020-11-24 01:53
7. International transit passengers get your passports, the bordingpasses of the present and next flight or the confirmed multi-cities-ticket ready and go through the international transit lane or D/P lane for inspection. 8. If you wearing glasses, mask, hat or any other things that may bring trouble to inspection, please take them off according to the immigration officers’ instructions. 五、如果您戴有眼镜、口罩、帽子等影响检查的饰物,请您依照检查人员的提示摘下配合检查。 八、如果您戴有眼镜、口罩、帽子等影响检查的饰物,请您依照检查人员的提示摘下配合检查。 2. Hong Kong and Macao residents holding travel permit for residents of HongKong and Macao to Chinese mainland and registered Chinese air crew could choose E-channel for inspection. 二、各位旅客请注意:中国公民无需填写出入境登记卡,凭本人护照证件、登机牌办理边检手续; 三、外国人需要填写出入境登记卡,请凭本人护照证件、登机牌和外国人出境登记卡办理边检手续; 入境: 1. there are D/P lane, Chinese national lane、foreigners lane, international transfer lane and E-channel, when a passenger arrives the departure hall, he could choose the lane or consult the immigration officers. 六、因工作需要,检查员可能会询问您的航班号,请您提供您的登机牌或航班号码; 三、中国公民凭本人护照证件办理边检手续,无需填写出入境登记卡; 二、持《港澳居民往来内地通行证》的港澳居民及已备案的中国机组员工可选择“自助查验通道”办理边检手续; 4. Diplomatic persons, people who need assistance and who hold APEC cards could choose D/P lane for inspection. 四、外交人员、需扶助人员、持APEC商务旅行卡人员可选择“外交礼遇和需扶助人员通道”办理边检手续; 5. Foreign citizens please get your passports, Chinese visas and entry cards for inspection. 1. there are D/P Lane, emergency lane, immigration inspection lane and Group lane, when a passenger arrives the departure hall, he could choose the lane or consult the immigration officers. 3. Foreign citizens please get your passports, bordingpasses and departure cards for inspection. 2. Chinese citizens please get your passports and bordingpasses ready for inspection. You don’t need to fill out the departure or entry card. Entry: 五、外国人交验本人护照证件和中国有效签证,需填写好外国人入出境登记卡后办理边检手续; 四、持APEC商务旅行卡人员可选择“外交礼遇和需扶助人员通道”办理边检手续,旅游团成员请选择“团体人员通道”办理边检手续; 一、出境边防检查现场设有外交礼遇通道、需扶助人员通道、旅客检查通道及团体人员通道,旅客到达边防检查现场时,可视情或向边检人员咨询选择相应通道办理手续; 4. passengers holding the APEC card could choose the D/P lane for inspection; passengers holding group visa please choose the group lane for inspection. 5. If you wearing glasses, mask, hat or any other things that may bring trouble to inspection, please take them off according to the immigration officers’ instructions. 6. Immigration officers may ask about your flight number or check your bordingpasses. 一、各位旅客请注意:入境边防检查现场设有外交礼遇通道、需扶助人员通道、中国公民通道、外国人通道、国际中转通道及自助查验通道,旅客到达边防检查现场时,变态版雷霆之怒网页游戏,请向边检人员咨询选择相应通道办理手续; 七、国际中转旅客请持本人护照证件,凭本程及下程航班登机牌或已订妥座位的联程机票,在“国际中转通道”或“外交礼遇和需扶助人员通道”办理边检手续。 3. Chinese citizens please get your passports and bordingpasses ready for inspection. You don’t need to fill out the departure or entry card.
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