您正在浏览:主页 > 游戏新闻 > 中国煤炭科工中央研究院公开招聘公告-国务院国有资产监督管理委
作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2020-10-22 15:44
Senior Researchers (4) 骨干研究人员 8人 土地整治与生态修复研究方向 5. Applicants are required to compress the electronic version of the above-mentioned application documents into a compressed package no more than 20M, named as ‘name + application position’, and upload it to the application system. 1. 安全风险管控技术研究方向 首席科学家 1人 3.每位应聘者仅可申报1个职位 4.应聘者需准确填写手机号码,并保持通讯畅通; 一、职位及人数 附件:中国煤炭科工集团有限公司中央研究院招聘岗位条件(EN) According to the principle of ‘openness, fairness, justice, competition and merit selection’, the open recruitment shall be carried out through the process such as application and comprehensive evaluation. 6. 通过资格审查者,面试具体事宜另行通知。 2. Construction of Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation Platform (3) Public Recruitment Announcement of China Coal Technology and Engineering Group (CCTEG) Central Research Institute 1. 深部开采研究方向 III. Recruitment Process V. Location, Remuneration and Benefits 6. The job security, remuneration and benefits for foreign scientific researchers shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant regulations. 1.应聘者应对提交材料的真实性负责,凡弄虚作假者,雷霆之怒公益服,一经查实,即取消应聘资格或解除劳动合同; 公开选聘工作按照公开、公平、公正的竞争择优原则,采取报名、综合测评等程序进行。 骨干研究人员 4人 (三)智能矿山研究院 2.Rock Burst Research 3.各职位任职条件存在差异,请应聘者根据本人情况慎重申报; 2.为应聘成功者提供本地区及行业有较强竞争力的薪酬待遇,具体根据应聘人员个人情况参照集团公司高层次人才选聘办法认定。年度收入(税前,单位:人民币):一级首席科学家不低于100万元;二级首席科学家不低于80万元;三级首席科学家不低于50万元;骨干研究人员为20-50万元。 Senior Researchers (3) 1.热爱中华人民共和国,遵纪守法、品行端正、勇于担当、勤奋敬业、团结合作,具有良好的职业素养,认同集团公司价值观和经营理念。 3. Scientific Research Project Supervision Center (3) In addition to the above requirements, applicants should also meet the job requirements. For details, please refer to the ‘Recruitment Information of China Coal Technology and Engineering Group Central Research Institute’ (Annex).
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