您正在浏览:主页 > 游戏新闻 > 2006年亚洲留学奖学金申请办法
作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2020-10-16 11:30
传真:0086-10-66413255 六、学习院校及专业的选择 There are 20 full scholarships for academic year 2006/2007. 4. Finalized placements, specialties and duration of studies are in principle not to be changed. 1. This scheme only sponsors general scholars, senior scholars and postgraduates with duration of one or two years. 2. Living allowance is monthly paid to the students by the institution at the following rates (CNY yuan per month): Categories of Applicants and Duration of Scholarship Note: Applicants should apply to the Chinese Embassy in their home country or could directly apply to CSC. The time for application is from the beginning of January to the beginning of April. The above-mentioned materials should reach CSC by April 30th via the Chinese Embassy in the applicant’s home country or by applicant themselves. Application materials will not be returned regardless whether the applicants are accepted or not by a Chinese institution. Fax: 0086-10-66413255 1. Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (printed by CSC), one original and one photocopy, in Chinese or in English. 2. The educational background and age limit: 2. Highest diploma (notarized photocopy). If applicants are university students or already employed, they should also provide documents of being university students or on-post employees. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with translations in Chinese or English. 2、申请人的学历和年龄要求: 3. Scholarship applicants accepted by Chinese institutions of higher education will be officially confirmed as Chinese Government Scholarship students with endorsement from the Ministry of Education of China. 三、申请人资格 3、经过公证的学习成绩单,中英文以外文本需附中文或英文的译文; 申请人可向中国驻所在国大使馆提出申请,亦可直接向留学基金委直接提出申请。申请时间一般为1月初至4月初。 网址: Application Materials 1、申请人须为非中国籍公民,身体健康; 1、本项目招收普通进修生、高级进修生,奖学金期限为1至2学年; 地址:中国北京复兴门内大街160号 100031 作为高级进修生来华进修者,须具有硕士学位以上的学历或副教授以上职称,年龄不超过50周岁。 四、奖学金内容和标准 Applicants for general scholars must have completed at least two years of undergraduate studies and be under the age of45. “亚洲留学奖学金”系中国教育部设立的,旨在鼓励亚洲学生、学者在本地区国家间流动,BT雷霆之怒,增进亚洲各国之间的相互了解,拓展教育交流与合作空间,提高亚洲整体教育质量的全额奖学金项目。中国教育部委托国家留学基金管理委员会(以下简称“留学基金委”)负责此项目的招生工作及日常事务的管理工作。 来华和毕(结)业的奖学金生应尽可能选择距离所在院校最近的入出境口岸或国际交通工具终、始点入出境。自出入境口岸至所在学校的城市间交通费,由所在学校按火车硬座(通宵乘坐火车可买硬卧)费用报销。途中伙食费用及行李超重费用自理。 来华学习期限为1学年及1学年以上者:600元(人民币) 1. The scholarship covers tuition fee, fee for basic learning materials, accommodation, living allowance, fee for outpatient medical service, comprehensive medical insurance plan of foreign students in China, a one-off settlement subsidy and a one-off inter-city travel allowance. Selection of Institutions and Specialty ② 中国政府奖学金来华留学生综合保险是指:由中国教育部为在华奖学金生所投付的综合医疗保险。学生因大病住院或发生人身意外伤害所支付的费用,学生所在学校可持费用收据到投保的保险公司按照其有关赔付条款,要求其赔付相关费用。 一、招生类别、奖学金期限及授课语言 2. Applicants are encouraged to contact the institutions (94 institutions specified by MOEC listed in the Directory) and tutors prior to application and please enclose the relevant admission or recommendation letter it there is.
7. Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (printed by Chinese quarantine authority and only for those whose period of studies in China lasts up to six months) filled in English. The medical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants is invalid. The medical examination results will be valid for 6 months. All applicants are kindly requested to take this factor into consideration while determining the time to take the medical examination. E-mail: laihua@csc.edu.cn 2、经过公证的最高学历证明。如申请人为在校学生或已就业,需另外提交本人所在学校出具的在学证明或就业单位出具的在职证明。中英文以外文本需附中文或英文的译文; CNY 600 yuan for new students whose period of studies in China lasts one academic year or more Application 3. Transcripts (notarized photocopy); transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with translations in Chinese or English. 申请中国教育部提供的奖学金的申请人须在其指定的高等学校范围内选择3所志愿学校和1个志愿专业,并严格按照《接受中国政府奖学金留学生高等学校名录》(请查阅本指南)和《接受中国政府奖学金留学生高等学校及专业介绍》(请查询留学基金委网站:)中列出的学校和专业目录填写学校和专业名称。 八、国家留学基金管理委员会联系方式 4、申请作为高级进修生来华学习者,须提交两名教授或副教授的推荐信,用中文或英文书写; Address: No. 160 Fuxingmennei Street, Beijing 100031, P.R.China 五、申请材料 4、留学基金委将在7月31日前将《录取名单》、《录取通知书》和《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW201表)寄送承办招生事务的相关部门转交学生本人或直接寄送学生本人。 5. CSC will send the List of Enrolled Students, Admission Notice and Visa Application Form for Study In China (JW201) to the relevant dispatching authorities by July 31, so as to have these documents forwarded to the students, or directly to applicants themselves. --students finishing study in china transfer from the city where the institution is located to the port of departure 来华学习期限为6个月计6个月以内者:300元(人民币) 7、《外国人体格检查记录》(由中国卫生检疫部门统一印制,仅限于来华学习时间超过6个月者)复印件,用英文填写。申请人须严格按照《外国人体格检查记录》中要求的项目进行检查。缺项、未贴有本人照片或照片上未盖骑缝章、无医师和医院签字盖章的《外国人体格检查记录》无效。鉴于检查结果有效期为6个月,请申请人据此确定本人进行体检的时间。 4. A one-off inter-city travel ticket (each for coming-in and leaving China) Tel: 0086-10-66413253, 66414265, 66413132 6. A study or research plan written in Chinese or English (no less than 400 words). 4、新生来华和毕业生离华提供一次性中国境内城市间交通费: 1) Fee for outpatient medical service refers to the out-patient expense generated in the institution’s hospital or the hospitals appointed by the institutions. The students should afford a certain percentage of expense in accordance with the institution’s regulations. Senior scholars, postgraduate with doctoral degree: CNY 1,400 yuan Scholarship students are supposed to choose the nearest port to their admitting institutions for inter-city travel and a hard-seat train ticket (hard-berth train ticket only for overnight trip) will be provided to: 2) Comprehensive medical insurance plan of foreign students in China is insured by the Ministry of Education of China for the scholarship students in China against diseases and accidents. The institution is entitled to ask for compensation on the payment receipts from the insurance company for the expenses generated from hospitalizing for serious diseases or from accidental injury according to the stipulated insurance articles. 1、奖学金内容包括:学费、基本教材费、住宿费、生活费、门诊医疗费和中国政府奖学金来华留学生医疗综合保险、一次性安置费和一次性城市间交通费。 1、《中国政府奖学金申请表》(由留学基金委统一印制),用中文或英文填写; --freshmen transfer from the port of entry to the city where the admitting institution is located 3、《录取通知书》已确定的录取学校、学习专业和学习年限,来华后原则上不得变更。 2、留学基金委鼓励申请人提前自行联系学校和导师(学校的选择限定在中国教育部规定的94所大学中),如申请人已获得学校或导师邀请信,请在申请材料中附上,留学基金委将通知学校直接录取。 3、来华后发给一次性安置费,标准为: 1、留学基金委对奖学金申请人的申请材料进行审核,并有权对申请人所选择的学校、专业和年限进行适当的调整。申请人条件或申请材料不符合规定和要求的,视为申请无效,不予受理。申请材料将由留学基金委转送有关学校,由学校决定是否录取。 普通进修生、硕士研究生:1,100元 Expenses for food during the trip and excess of baggage should be self afforded. Applicants may choose 3 institutions and 1 specialty as personal preference from the Chinese institutions designated by the Ministry of Education of China. Please check the Directory of the Chinese Institutions Admitting International Students under Chinese Government Scholarship Programme or the website of CSC () for details. Applicants are required to fill in their preferences of institutions and specialty strictly within the ones listed in the Directory. A specified study or research plan is highly required. General scholars, postgraduate with master degree : CNY 1,100 yuan In order to stimulate the flow of Asian students and scholars in Asian area, to strengthen mutual understanding among the people from Asian nations,to develop cooperation and exchange in the fields of education, and to promote Asian education quality, Study in Asia scholarship was set up by the Ministry of Education of China. China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC) administers the recruitment and the routine management of the scheme. 作为普通进修生来华学习者,须具有大学二年级以上学历,年龄不超过45周岁; 5、申请学习音乐专业的学生须提交本人作品的光盘;申请学习美术专业的学生,须提供本人作品光盘(2张素描画,2张色彩画,2张其他作品); Details of the Scholarship 申请人必须如实填写和提交以下申请材料(均为一式两份):
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