您正在浏览:主页 > 游戏新闻 > 【键盘侠】绿军力克76人|两份烂合同拖垮费城 大帝应离队?
作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2020-09-19 20:05
[–]Celtics ro-heezy 12 指標 2小時前 don't let this distract you from the fact that Enes Kanter has made more 3s in this series than Harris and Horford combined. Same and I don't even like the Sixers 超音速球迷:假如76人被横扫,那布朗会下课吗? 火箭球迷:我勒个擦,这俩人还真是越打越菜啊。心疼76人球迷 76人球迷:谢了,这回我真吐了。 76人球迷:看到楼上评论我真想吐。 凯尔特人球迷:恩比德是这么个状况……你要是惹他几次不开心了,那他心气儿就没了。比赛末段的失误和被帽之后,他基本就没再往低位去了,哪怕他明明可以轻松造犯规,而且我们的中锋是坎特。 Sorry. You just got signed by the Rockets. I found it ridiculously fake that villains in movies would have everything perfectly set up for them and still fuck everything up and lose. How much per dollar is that for made shots? They needed JJ's cap space to give Al Horford all that money [–][BOS] Reggie Lewis thepoopsmithreigns 93 指標 4小時前 I feel like Brett is getting a little scapegoated when the roster construction is terrible. He wasn't a bad coach during the Toronto series last year. Wouldn't say it's a bad idea to move on from him, however. Just depends on who they can get 我特么很喜欢恩比德的,他是队里的头牌,希望今后几年也是。但是他在关键时刻真的不堪重用。 The 76ers as a team shot under 30% from the field, that should tell you all you need to know
[–]Lakers SmokeOddessey 114 指標 4小時前
[–]Raptors DDRaptors 15 指標 3小時前
Sixers Outscored 10-0 rest of the way
The shot you only have to live with for an off-season but the contracts are going to fuck for years to come.
Philly really fucked up a golden opportunity
He's getting fired unless they win the Finals at this point.
No idea how you could have watched that game and thought that it was Brett who made them miss shots.
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