您正在浏览:主页 > 游戏新闻 > 《时代周刊》评选出的2014年十大最佳电影
作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2020-09-19 18:04
10.Birdman 4.Lucy 4.《超体》 In sweeping gestures and urgent broken English, Alejandro Jodorowsky exclaims, “Movies have heart —boom,boom,boom! Have mind [he mimes lightning bolts from his brain]. Have power [he points to his genitals]. Have ambition! I want to do something like that. Why not?” At 84, four decades after he prepared a hallucinogenic adaptation of Frank Herbert’s science-fiction novelDune, the Chilean-born Mexican director is still heartbroken that the project died when his producer came up $5 million short on the $15-million budget. A few years later, George Lucas spent $11 million makingStar Wars, and the fantasy-film genre went retro instead of luxuriously wacko. Doc director Frank Pavich buttresses his profile of the still-vital and charismatic Jodorowsky with contributions from the oldDuneteam, including writer Dan O’Bannon and concept designers Chris Foss and H.R. Giger (all of whom world work on Ridley Scott’sAlien). The message to take from this love letter to the cinematic ambition of the ’70s: movies once had brains and balls, and lost them. 8.Citizenfour 8.《第四公民》 3.《乐高大电影》 乘客们都免费登机后才慢慢意识到自己被骗了:提供机票的乔治·帕斯捷尔纳克(里卡杜-达林饰)正坐在驾驶舱里准备坠毁这辆客机。这个不乏欢腾搞笑的劫机故事取自于阿根廷作家达米安·斯兹弗隆寓言文集的第一篇。电影取景多样,包括在公路边的房屋里共进晚餐,在宽阔的马路上驰骋,富豪家腐败的成员们聚集一堂,婚礼上新娘发现新郎竟然与一位来宾发生恋情。该片由佩德罗·阿莫多瓦担任制片人,刻画了复仇路上的恩怨情仇,引人深思。影片还给观众一种读安布罗斯·贝尔士和罗尔德·达尔合著的系列短篇小说的感觉,堪称年度“最冒险”喜剧片。 大部分暑期大片都是帅气硬汉的主场,《变形金刚》就是最好的例子。而导演吕克·贝松却在这部惊悚大片中讲述了一个年轻女人被注射入一种新型毒品,结果拥有超于常人的力量。情节引人入胜而又十分烧脑,打斗和撞车场景贯穿始终。这位法国导演兼编剧延续一贯的“女性人物主导”的动作片特色,在《超体》中塑造了一名无所不能的“女超人(斯嘉丽·约翰逊饰),堪称世上最有杀伤力的武器。影片用89分钟概述了300万年的人类进化史。《超体》无疑是2014年荧幕上最酷炫最刺激最精彩的动作大片。 1.《布达佩斯大饭店》 对84岁的预想家让-吕克·戈达尔来说,2014是有标志性意义的一年。这一年他推出了自己的首部3D电影《再见语言》。戈达尔1960年的电影《精疲力尽》(Breathless)奠定了法国新浪潮电影流派的基调,而幻觉效应贯穿始终的《再见语言》延续了他创新出奇的风格。如今大部分导演不再追求现代化,而戈达尔却进一步反其道而行之,创造了“电影小说”的新形式。他通过叙述一对年轻夫妇和一条狗的奇幻故事,表达了自己对生活、爱情、政治和电影历史的看法。在探索3D电影的过程中,戈达尔展现了冲突和超饱和色彩的本质,还在一个场景中运用重叠图像的手法:闭上一只眼,你看到前面有位男士;转而闭上另一只眼,你会看到后面有位女士。影片明星是那条名叫罗克西的小狗,变态版雷霆之怒私服,它悲痛地旁观着一切,最佳诠释了达尔文的那句名言:“狗是世界上唯一爱你比爱它自己多的生物”。尽管戈达尔最近让人有些晦涩难懂,但他会通过独特的方式让你受益匪浅、欣喜若狂。 “Think of our news,” says a producer at an L.A. TV station, “as a screaming woman running down the street with her throat cut.” Lou Bloom, a freelance news cameraman played by Jake Gyllenhaal with the smiling stare of a deranged Boy Scout, takes that advice and shoots video of grieving widows, home-invasion casualties and human roadkill. You want to see this stuff, up-close and purple, do you not? Lou’s the guy who gets it for you. Imagine Travis Bickle fromTaxi Driverworming his way into Paddy Chayefsky’sNetworkand you have writer-director Dan Gilroy’s ’70s-going-on-right-now mix of psychological portrait and media satire. Prowling an after-dark L.A. brought to gorgeous, menacing life by ace cinematographer Robert Elswit, Gyllenhaal ratchets down his usual fretful-puppy winsomeness to create an ornate, eloquent vessel for Lou’s hollow charm, careering zeal and pestilential value system. 5.Goodbye to Language 5.《再见语言》 10.《鸟人》 Monsieur Gustave H. (Ralph Fiennes) flawlessly executes his job as concierge at the Grand Budapest Hotel in the Republic of Zubrowka during the political upheavals of the 1930s. Intoning romantic poetry he may have made up on the spot, he attends to the sexual whims of his rich old-lady clients; or, as he says, “I go to bed with all my friends.” Amour and mortality, romance and horror, comedy and tragedy duel to a sumptuous draw in Wes Anderson’s richtorteof a movie — perhaps the most seductively European film ever made by a kid from Houston, Texas. A dizzyingly complex machine whose workings are a delight to behold, the movie has a wry smile for frailties, a watchful eye for tyranny and a heart that, under the circumstances of this dark, fanciful tale, must be called heroic. This is not just an amazing contraption, though it is that; it’s a real, funny, sad movie, whose performances (from Fiennes, Adrien Brody, Jeff Goldblum, Tilda Swinton and dozens of others) are as alert and elegantly composed as the décor. Grand isn’t good enough a word for thisBudapest Hotel. Great is more like it. 3.The LEGO Movie 7.Nightcrawler 7.《夜行者》 2.《少年时代》 <<上一篇:蓝牙耳机如何挑选?十款热门蓝牙耳机全面横评报告出炉 >> <<下一篇:IGF独立游戏大奖提名变态雷霆之怒私服公布:2017年你错过了这些好游戏 >>