您正在浏览:主页 > 游戏新闻 > 卫报:Facebook模式催生廉价友谊?
作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2020-09-19 15:50
No doubt. But what these anecdotes rightly celebrate is that the internet has made communication – from email through to video-conferencing – almost free. What they leave out is how that communication is structured by $50bn businesses such as Facebook。 Anyone who has ever had a Facebook page will know what I mean. On signing up, you are asked to fill in a questionnaire. Under date of birth you are asked to fill in your favourite quotation (because obviously everyone has one of those); then what you are looking for: friendship; dating; a relationship; networking? Those are the four states of socialising in Facebook world. "Insurrectionary chat" isn't available; neither, strangely, is "mutual solipsism". In the good old days you were at least offered "random play", which had the merit of sounding at once pervy and vaguely situationist。 At 10.53pm on Christmas Day, Simone Back posted her last status update on Facebook. It read: "Took all my pills be dead soon so bye bye every one." One of her friends responded: "She ODs all the time and she lies." Another chimed in: "She has a choice and taking pills over a relationship is not a good enough reason." Others argued among themselves about whether it was a bluff。 无疑,网络的出现增强人际交流这没有错,但他们并不清楚,交流机制是如何在Facebook这个价值已经超过500亿的网站上构建起来的。拥有Facebook个人主页的人都知道,注册的时候你需要填写一份调查问卷,其中有很多项是你必须要填写的,比如你钟爱的人生格言,你的交友动机等,对于这些使交往变成功利行为的选项,在先前的网络时代至少你还可以避之不提,但现在你没的选择。 But it isn't just Zuckerberg who lost the ability to see conversation as a form of recreation. Others do it too, whenever they self-consciously refer to the impermanence of relationships by talking about new best friends, or ickify the ancient ideal of close male friendships with the term bromance. Or when they post birthday greetings – "have a good one!" – on the Facebook wall of someone they haven't spoken to in five years. If you're pressured at work and at home, starved of time and running to catch up, your friendships (at least outside your close circle of loved ones) will naturally become more breathless and shallow。 Facebook和其他的在线社交网站的存在引发了新的社会争论,此前人们对此关注的都是个人隐私,政治敏感活动方面的问题,有关如何定位人际关系的话题却鲜少人问津。如今Facebook已经发展为全美访问量最大的网站,每20分钟内有超过500万的用户上传约2.7兆的图片和10M以上的文本内容。各类新闻和图片,以及来自youtube的视频内容都会在这个平台上立刻得到分享,无论什么样的集会都能在这里进行,它给人类,特别是人际关系所带来的影响,显然值得好好研究一番。 这个悲催的故事从德行方面给我们带来很多的启发,发生了这样的事情,西蒙妮的朋友居然没人为此感到震惊。这样的事情从前你可能经历过:面对一个可怜人的求助,围观的网友们没人愿意高抬贵手襄助,反而是把她抛开说一些讽刺的话。这让我想起此前赫特福德郡的一个孩子在网上宣布他迎来了自己的生日,旋即就受到了21000份的祝语。看过这些发生在虚拟世界中的事情,我们不禁要问:网络友谊到底有多大价值?或者换句话说,当你在网上说你要自杀却没有人理会时,你交的那1000多个朋友还有什么用处? 计算机科学家雅龙-兰尼尔在他的著作《你不是个小玩具》中,把这些强制性的宣言称作是一种半自动化的自我介绍。《时代周刊》把Facebook创始人扎克伯格选为2010年的风云人物时评价说,他使人际交往变为更快捷有效的交换信息,而不再是一项娱乐活动。但恐怕不只是扎克伯格没能将交流本身看作是娱乐活动,其他人也都这么看,人们常不自觉的谈起在网上交来的新朋友和那份短暂的友谊,但当你在家庭和工作上需要承受压力而疏于更新时,那份友谊就变得越发浅薄无力和廉价。而那些不得不在Facebook和twitter上频繁更新的简短的留言,更说明了廉价友谊大量滋生的趋势的加剧。 Of the 1,048 people listed on Facebook as a friend of Back, not one checked up on her. She died at 5.05pm on Boxing Day. Shortly after, her mother wrote this: "My daughter Simone passed away today so please leave her alone now." Facebook与人际关系的影响 Among the most miserable, morale-sapping aspects of this story is its lack of surprise. You've come across these elements before: a worn-down individual; an inarticulate plea for help, and a crowd of internet associates who don't lift a finger, apart from to type withering comments. The indifference to Back's fatal overdose belongs in the same file as those semi-regular tragedies of children bullied to death on social-networking websites – and even the one about the Hertfordshire teenager who announced her birthday party on Facebook, and received 21,000 RSVPs. Running through those vignettes is a common question: what's an online friendship worth? Or, put another way, how is it possible to rack up more than 1,000 friends on a website, and for none of them to step in when you try to kill yourself? 今年圣诞节当日22点53分,西蒙妮-贝克登陆了她的Facebook个人主页,她在状态栏上留了这样一段话:“吞下我所有的药片,我很快就死了,拜拜了各位。”对此,西蒙妮的一位朋友回复说:“过量服药是她的老毛病了,别理她说谎。”西蒙妮其他的朋友则就她的话展开了激烈的争论,想看看究竟是不是她虚张声势,而没有人真的关心西蒙妮到底出了什么状况,尽管在后者的Facebook个人主页上,有着多达1048位好友。 最终,西蒙妮被发现死于节礼日当天下午17时05分,从圣诞当天到她死亡前没人真正关心过她,在她去世后,她的母亲(有疾病在身行动不便)在女儿的个人主页上留言:“我的女儿今天去世了,请你们让她清静会儿吧。” Friendship, Facebook-styleAre social networking sites promoting devalued, impermanent relationships? When Facebook and other online social networks crop up in public debate, it is usually on issues of online privacy, or how they might aid political activism. The question of how they are reconfiguring our relationships is less often asked. Yet Facebook is now the most visited website in America; it has more than 500 million users who between them upload 2.7m photos and more than 10m comments to its pages every 20 minutes (even if most of them read: "Lol!"). Whatever congregation is meeting on that website – with its dark-blue heading and its collection of news, photos and links to YouTube – it's worth studying。
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