您正在浏览:主页 > 游戏新闻 > 江西理工大学2018年高层次人才招聘公告
作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2020-09-19 13:12
1.岗位与年薪:聘任为特聘教授(事业编制),年薪为60-80万元。 (2)购房补贴:长聘博士15万元(分6年按月发放)或提供住房一套免费居住6年;短聘博士6万元(分3年按月发放)或提供住房一套免费居住3年。 六、论坛资助 3.住房安家:聘期内提供100平方米左右的校内过渡房一套,并提供150万元购房和安家费(政府奖励和补贴除外)。 具有海外2年以上留学经历或海外知名高校毕业的优秀博士,内聘副教授,按实际受聘岗位享受工资福利待遇,并享受学校的博士教师津贴,或申请按年薪制聘任(年薪不低于25万元);提供安家费25万元以上,另提供购房补贴15万元以上或聘期内提供校内过渡房一套;提供科研启动经费20万元以上(人文社科10万元);可视配偶情况安排工作或聘期内发放配偶补贴10万元;协助解决子女入学入托;特别优秀的人才,相关待遇可面议。 JXUST, in line with nationally first-class research universities, provides globally competitive compensation and benefit packages to the elite professionals. 2)a living allowance no less than RMB 250,000, and an on-campus transitional housing or a housing subsidy of no less than RMB 150,000 provided; The board and lodging expenses of the participants during the forum will be covered by the host. In addition, JXUST will finance participants’ travel subsidies, including round-trip international airfare (Economy class seat), and transportation expenses within Chinese territory. 学校将竭诚为海内外青年英才提供事业发展的平台、工作和生活保障、极具竞争力的薪酬待遇、细致周到的服务。具体为: (5) Children’s school admittance: the children of successful applicants are entitled to choose quality primary and secondary schools in line with local policies. 1.2018年第一类至第四类人才招聘数量不限。 2:江西理工大学2018年第五类人才招聘计划一览表 手机号:15297767555、19979706787 学校统一安排免费食宿,按实际情况提供往返国际旅费(飞机经济舱)和国内往返交通费(飞机经济舱或高铁二等座)补助;同时提供火车站、飞机场接送站等服务。 三、论坛介绍 第五类(D2:博士教师):年龄35周岁以下,紧缺学科或业绩优秀的可放宽至40周岁,取得海内外高校博士研究生学位、学历。优秀海内外青年博士研究生,原则上本科、硕士、博士专业一致或相近。待遇如下: 5.子女入学:享受江西省人才子女入学优惠政策,自主选择本地优质中小学。 Candidates will be appointed to the faculty of JXUST at a level commensurate with each applicant’s background and experience. JXUST offers a generous salary and startup package, including: Tel: 0086-797-8312591 For excellent PhDs with at least two-year overseas?education background?or with doctorate degree of prestigious?overseas?universities, the benefit packages include: 1:江西理工大学2018年人才引进分类表 Founded in 1958, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology (hereinafter shorted as JXUST) is jointly-sponsored by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and Jiangxi Provincial Government. As one of the top-ranking universities in Jiangxi Province, JXUST offers a full range of undergraduate majors, plus master's and Ph.D. programs. It serves as an important base for the education and research of non-ferrous metallurgy industry in China. With an outstanding faculty trained globally, it is making great strides toward its goal of building a nationally first-class institution of higher education and cutting-edge research with broad societal impacts. 第五类(D1:师资博士后):年龄35周岁以下,紧缺学科或业绩优秀的可放宽至38周岁,取得海内外知名高校博士研究生学位、学历。优秀海内外青年博士研究生,愿意从事博士后研究工作;原则上本科、硕士、博士专业一致或相近; 二、江西省赣州市简介 八、报名流程 九、联系方式 五、邀请对象 (3)南昌校区管委会:吴老师,0791-83858326,snh3971986@sina.com,地址:南昌市昌北开发区双港东大街1180号,邮编:330013。 4.论坛举办:2018年12月27日-28日 4.江西理工大学高层次人才引进业务联系方式: Contacts: Li Bing, Zha Yuxin 六、健康检查 第四类(学术骨干):年龄40周岁以下,具有博士学位和副高以上职称,同时满足《江西理工大学高层次人才引进暂行办法(2016年修订版)》规定的A类业绩或B类业绩条件;享受待遇如下:年薪30万元;住房补贴20万元(或过渡房居住6年);安家费20万元;科研启动费:理工科50万元,人文社科20万元;视情况安置配偶工作或享受配偶补贴。 As the university’s name suggests, the academic programs of the university concentrates on sciences and engineering, complemented by certain programs in humanities, social sciences and management science. With the school motto of “vision and action”, JXUST has always been making every endeavor to develop its united and pioneering spirit since its establishment. The mission of the university is to become a globally recognized institution which emphasizes academic excellence and promotes innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship. Ganzhou was established as a city 2200 years ago. There are a large number of historical and cultural relics. China's traditional culture of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism all left important footprints in this fertile land. (2) Research Funding: a start-up fund of no less than RMB 3 million for science and engineering disciplines, and RMB 0.5 million for disciplines of humanities and social sciences (national and provincial level research funding excluded); platform construction funding will be considered by evaluation on actual conditions and needs. 1.Successful applicants of the four above-mentioned national talents programs 联系电话:0797-8312591 1.考核方式:采取试讲、面试考核相结合的方式进行,面试主要内容涉及相关专业知识;有特殊岗位技能要求的将结合实验等现场操作考核的方式,进行综合评定。 在我校指定的地点进行体检和心理测试,体检标准参照《江西省申报认定教师资格人员体检办法》和《江西理工大学人才引进体检标准(试行)》执行。 (4)各学院联系人、邮箱及联系方式:见《江西理工大学第五类人才招聘计划一览表》。 2. Invitation Period: Sep. 25th – Dec. 10th, 2018. 在线填写《报名表》,也可直接下载《报名表》填写后通过邮件发送,在线网址:?f_id=17 Mobile: 0086-19979706787, 0086-19979707097 For the first time in its history, JXUST will host a program for younger scholars, defined as those scholars with no more than ten years of tenure-track faculty experience. This includes graduate students as well as post-doctoral fellows, lecturers and visiting affiliates who have yet to secure a continuing faculty appointment. 3.自觉遵守中国法律法规,具有良好的学术道德和职业道德。 五、考核方法 4.配偶安置:可视配偶情况安排正式编制或人事代理工作,或在聘期内发放配偶生活补助2000元/月,补贴时间为6年。 Ganzhou boasts superior geographical location in that it borders three provinces from the East, South and West. It has always been an important commercial hub for the sound transportation infrastructures, linking central China to the neighboring southern coastal provinces. Currently, Ganzhou is vital to the transportation and commerce between inland and coastal regions. In addition to having 2 years or more of post-doctoral research or work experience, applicants, who are expected to have a PhD degree in a relevant science and engineering field, must obey Chinese laws and have a proven track record of high-quality peer-reviewed academic publications. They are also encouraged to apply for the four national talents programs (“1000 Talents Program for Young Professionals”, “Young Top Talents of the National High-Level Talents Support Plan”, “Young Chang Jiang Scholars Program” and “The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars”), sponsored by the Central Government of China through JXUST. 第二类(杰出人才):年龄一般为55周岁以下,“万人计划”人选、“国家特支计划”杰出和领军人才、国家杰出青年基金获得者、中科院“百人计划”入选者、海内外具有与上述相当学术地位和成就的专家学者等;享受待遇如下:年薪50万元以上或面议;住房补贴60万元以上或面议(或住房一套免费居住);安家费40万元以上或面议;科研启动费:理工科300万元以上或面议,人文社科80万元以上或面议;安置配偶工作或享受配偶补贴。 3. Registration Date: Dec. 26th, 2018. 2.在海外取得博士学位的、或在国内取得博士学位且在海外著名大学或研究机构从事博士后或在海外有2年以上科研工作经历的,已获得较好的学术成果,具有创新性、战略性思维,且具备成长为学科(学术)带头人的潜力; (2)应用科学学院:严老师,0797-8312630,jxlg_yky@163.com,地址:江西省赣州市客家大道156号应用科学学院 邮编:341000。 (5)内聘副教授3年。享受学校工资、福利和相关待遇。 (1)红旗校区、黄金校区:李老师,0797-8312591,jxlgrczp@163.com或justrsc@vip.163.com,地址:江西省赣州市红旗大道86号,邮编:341000。 In the past 5 years, the University has undertaken over 2,000 scientific research projects, with a total funding of more than RMB 600 million. The outstanding achievements of the faculty members also brought good reputation to the university. Since 2008, 6 professors have been awarded National Science and Technology Progress Prizes. (1) Position & Salary: the successful candidate will be appointed as Chair Professor, with an annual salary of RMB 600,000 to 800,000 Yuan. 一、学校简介 6.在工作上、生活上提供优质服务和保障,提供完备的研究条件,根据课题研究需要配备科研助手。 江西理工大学人事处网址:。 Covering an area of 610 acres, JXUST has four campuses in the city of Ganzhou, generally known as Gannan due to its location in southern Jiangxi. With a population of over 9.75 million, it covers an area of over 39,400 square kilometers, accounting for approximately one fourth the size of Jiangxi Province. The travel subsidy shall be no higher than RMB 15,000 per person for scholars from European and American area, no higher than RMB 7,000 per person for scholars from Asian-Pacific region and no higher than RMB 5,000 per person for scholars from China (including Hongkong, Macaw and Taiwan). In addition, JXUST will arrange free pick-up services in Ganzhou airport and railway station during the forum. 3.论坛报到:2018年12月26日 5)assistance in children’s school enrolment; above benefits are negotiable for very outstanding applicants. 第一类(院士):待遇面议。 1)Successful candidate will be appointed as associate professor and is entitled to corresponding salary and benefits, or appointed in accordance with tenure track system (no less than RMB 250,000 per year); (4)配偶工作安置。在面试、体检及心理测试合格情况下,BT版雷霆之怒页游,并根据配偶学历及工作能力情况分类安置,配偶为全日制硕士研究生的,按人事代理制安置,配偶为全日制本科的,按雇员制安置,全日制本科以下学历的,不安置;学历未达要求或不要求解决配偶工作的(含未婚博士),给予相应的配偶补贴:长聘10万元(分6年按月发放)、短聘5万元(分3年按月发放)。 学校拥有1个全国示范院士工作站、1个博士后科研流动站、1个博士后科研工作站、1个博士人才培养项目、2个一级博士点,22个一级硕士点,拥有国家铜冶炼及加工工程技术研究中心、国家离子型稀土资源高效开发利用工程技术研究中心、离子型稀土资源开发及应用教育部重点实验室、钨资源高效开发及应用教育部工程研究中心、国家钨与稀土产品质量监督检验中心等一批国家级和省部级科研平台。学校在赣州、南昌两地有5个校区,占地面积共计3700余亩,有教职工2000余人,其中专任教师1360余人,博士教师580多人,拥有一支由国家“万人计划”、中科院“百人计划”等高层次人才组成的,结构合理、素质优良的师资队伍。近五年来,共承担国家重点研发计划、国家“863”、“973”计划,国家科技支撑计划,国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金等各级各类科研项目2000多项,科研总经费6亿多元;2008年以来,获国家科技进步二等奖、国家技术发明二等奖6项,获江西省自然科学一等奖、科技进步一等奖等省部级奖80多项。 2.学校2018年引进政策以《江西理工大学2018年人才引进工作方案》为准,可登陆江西理工大学人事处网页查询。 联系人:李老师、查老师;联系电话:0797-8312591; (4) Living subsidy for accompanying spouse: a job offer to the candidate’s spouse based on his/her qualifications, or a monthly allowance of RMB 2,000 for a duration of 6 years. 学校为了加快实施“人才强校”战略,引进更多优秀的海内外青年学者,始终坚持以“识才的慧眼、爱才的诚意、容才的雅量、用才的胆识、聚才的良策”为目标,旨在通过首届国际青年学者论坛,邀请一批海内外青年学者来到江西赣州,为海内外优秀青年学者搭建交流与合作平台,促进海内外青年学者了解赣州、了解江西理工大学,促成在海外的优秀青年人才来校创新创业,为江西赣州的科学研究、人才培养、经济和社会发展做出贡献。 4)a Spouse's allowance of RMB 100,000 or a job offer based on a spouse's qualifications; 2.科研经费:理工科提供300万元以上科研启动经费、人文社科提供50万以上科研启动经费(不含国家及江西省资助经费);视平台建设情况和实际需要给予平台建设经费。 四、报名办法 Academic disciplines involved in this Forum are as follows: Mining Engineering, Metallurgical?Engineering, Material Science and Engineering, Chemical?Engineering, Environmental? Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical?Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Control Engineering, Information Technology, Computer Science and Engineering, Intelligent Manufacturing. New Material, New Energy, Economics, Management, Finance, Mathematics, Physic, Chemistry etc. 一、江西理工大学简介 1.年龄一般应在40周岁以下(1979年8月31日以后出生),业绩突出的优秀人才可放宽至45周岁; (一)国家级“四青人才” (3)科研启动费:理工科10万元,人文社科5万元;师资博士后享受博士后在站期科研启动经费配套。
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