您正在浏览:主页 > 游戏新闻 > 关于面向国内外公开征集服务企业第三方专业合作伙伴的通告(中英
作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2020-09-08 01:32
VI. Notes. (三)签订战略合作协议。海口投促局将与第三方专业合作伙伴签订战略合作协议。 Email box: hktcjzb@163.com 1) Qualified as an independent legal entity. 围绕业务需要,为了更好地满足企业在生产、经营、管理过程中多层次服务需求,进一步整合优质服务资源,海口投促局现面向国内外公开征集服务企业第三方专业合作伙伴,建立第三方专业服务机构库,为企业提供全产业链服务,助力企业健康发展。 1) Application. The intended organizations should visit the following website or QR code, fill in application form and send the form attachments to Email box again. The Email subject should be “Partner Application + Organization Name + Contact Number ”. 2) Integrate government policy resources to give policy priorities to the included organizations. (一)建立第三方专业服务机构库,对入库机构分类管理,通过不同方式、多种渠道向社会推广宣传。 (三)开展服务对接活动,针对总部企业及重点招商引资企业的各类需求予以优先推荐。 (一)入库服务机构每年更新一次。 2) Experienced with good service capability. 一、征集范围 (四)海口投促局以委托服务的方式,向第三方专业合作伙伴有偿购买服务,由第三方专业合作伙伴为相关企业提供服务。 3) Launch service docking activities that give priorities to the demands of HQ enterprises and key enterprises. 报名链接:https://www.wenjuan.com/s/32qI7rp/ 3) A professional service team with professional certification or title. 联系邮箱:hktcjzb@163.com (二)整合政府政策资源,给予入库机构倾斜支持。 联系电话:+86-898-68624851、+86-898-68624852 海口国际投资促进局(以下简称“海口投促局”)成立于2019年11月,,是海口市人民政府按照《海口市人民政府第112号令》发起设立的法定机构,在法定职责范围内开展经贸活动,承担服务总部企业、招商引资和区域合作等职责。 Application website: https://www.wenjuan.com/s/jEBNZrm/ IV. Process The Announcement on Third-party Enterprise Service Partner Recruitment
4) HIIPB relies on commissioned services to purchase services from professional third-party partners which provide services to relevant enterprises.
With regard to its business demands, HIIPB needs to integrate high-quality service resources to satisfy a wide range of services for corporate production, operation and management. Therefore, HIIPB now recruits third-party partners at home and abroad that provide professional services to enterprises, and establishes a base of third-party professional service organizations, which provide whole industry chain services to enterprises for their healthy development.
3) Signing of strategic partnership agreement. HIIPB would sign strategic partnership agreements with professional third-party partners
of Haikou International Investment Promotion Bureau
1) The list of included organizations would be updated once a year.
4) Good social and industry reputation, and no record of administrative penalty by judiciary administration or punishment by industry association.
February 2nd, 2020
Starting from the day of issuing this notification.
All organizations capable of providing whole industry chain services to enterprises, including but not limited to: law firm, accounting firm, intellectual property service company, human resource service company, financial institution, securities trader sponsor institution, evaluation institution, audit institution, bonding company, arbitral institution, third-party inspection and testing institution, market survey institution, professional investment attraction service institution, professional think tank, university and scientific research institutions, and industry associations, etc.
2) The notification is infinitely valid.
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