您正在浏览:主页 > 游戏新闻 > 揭秘日本“奢侈水果”文化
作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2020-08-21 11:44
"People purchase these expensive fruits to demonstrate how special their gifts are to the recipients, for special occasions or for someone socially important, like your boss," says Shim, who has conducted extensive researched into Japan's luxury fruit market. Okuda Nichio种植的美姬草莓备受赞誉,他试图把这种草莓培育成“勺形”。他说:“要想获得这种形状的草莓非常难——有时候它们会变成球形。” His largest tennis-ball sized strawberries, of which he only produces around 500 a year, usually sell for more than 500,000 yen($4,395) each. 沈素妍对日本奢侈水果市场进行了广泛的研究,她说:“人们为特殊的场合或社交上重要的人物,比如你的老板,购买这些昂贵的水果,以证明他们送人的礼物有多么特别。” For this reason, high-end fruit has come to be viewed as an important symbol of respect. 对于一些消费者来说,昂贵的价格代表声誉和品质。 But while many Japanese extol the exceptional flavors of these fruit, Cecilia Smith Fujishima, a lecturer in comparative culture at Shirayuri University in Tokyo, says it's often too sweet for her Australian-raised taste buds. "It's hard getting the shape of these strawberries right - they can sometimes turn out like globes," says Okuda Nichio, of his highly-prized Bijin-hime (beautiful princess) strawberries, which he tries to grow "scoop-shaped". In southwest Japan last year, a supermarket paid 1.1 million yen ($9,700) for a first-harvest bunch of "Ruby Roman" at auction. 在日本有这样一种商店,乍一看“高大上”的橱窗让你以为它是一家珠宝店。仔细一看,才发现,原来那些亮丽的“珠宝”竟然是水果。但再一看价牌上挂着好几个零的标价,你又发现,其实管这些水果叫“珠宝”也不为过。“奢侈水果”文化在日本相当流行,原因究竟是什么呢?一起来看一下吧。
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