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作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2020-08-17 20:52
Invitation registration Invitation size: about 300 people. 1.浙江省“数字经济”国际青年人才论坛报名表 2. Participate in the main Forum of the International “Digital Economy” Young Talents Forum; 为汇聚全球人才智力助力浙江高质量发展,促进“数字经济”领域青年人才和浙江知名企事业单位之间的交流合作,浙江大学、之江实验室、西湖大学和阿里达摩院将在第五届世界浙商大会期间,联合举办“数字经济”国际青年人才论坛。欢迎全球广大青年才俊踊跃报名参与! Forum content (一)年龄不超过40周岁(特别优秀者可不受年龄限制); 3. Westlake University: Biology, Basic Medicine, Biomedical Engineering, Pharmacy, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Computer Science and Technology, Electronic Science and Technology, Optical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Science and Engineering, Life and Health, etc. 1. 40 years of age or under (outstanding candidates are not subject to age restrictions) 1.参加第五届世界浙商大会开幕式; Registration: Please fill in the Registration Form of Zhejiang International "Digital Economy" Young Talents Forum, and send it to zjhwrc@vip.163.com with your resume (form unlimited), Please specify "Name + Forum" for the subject of the email. Registration Form of Zhejiang International "Digital Economy" Young Talents Forum 1. Zhejiang University: Computer Science and Technology, Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems, Data Science, Brain Science and Technology, Advanced Manufacturing and Advanced Materials, Modern Energy, Inclusive Finance and Green Development, Quantum Information, Life and Health,etc. The purpose of the forum is to gather global talents intelligence to promote the high-quality development of Zhejiang Province, and promote exchanges & cooperation between young talents and well-known enterprises in Zhejiang. Zhejiang University, Zhejiang Lab, Westlake University and Alibaba Damo Academy will jointly hold the International "Digital Economy" Young Talents Forum during the 5th World Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Convention. 1. Participate in the opening ceremony of the 5th Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Convention; Organizations' Profile 4. Alibaba Damo Academy: Machine intelligence, Data computing, Robotics, Financial Technology, etc. 2019年11月13-14日,浙江·杭州 3. Participate in the sub-forums of Zhejiang University, Zhejiang Lab, Westlake University, and Alibaba Damo Academy to discuss the cooperation. 论坛拟共邀请300名左右青年人才,自公告发布之日起开始报名,报名截止日期为10月15日。组委会将根据报名先后顺序和人才匹配度分批发送邀请函,名满即止。 5.阿里达摩院
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