您正在浏览:主页 > 游戏新闻 > 欧洲殖民列强征服了印度,为何没有征服中国?
作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2020-08-14 18:02
土耳其人一度与欧洲人作战,封锁了陆路,欧洲人被迫寻找另一条海路。他们成功了。因此,人们首先关注的是香料,其次是进口棉花、粗麻布、靛蓝颜料、麝香等。那时候印度由各个小王国统治,凭借枪炮和外交手段,英国很容易制服这些小王国。 India,even at the height of the mughal empire, wast never really unified. Imagine holy Roman empire, but 10 times worse. That's India during colonization. So pretty easy to mess up. China on the other hand, was still a world power during the 1700s. The Kangxi and Qianlong Emperors, great unifiers that ruled the nation under a United iron fist. Besides clocks and guns, China wanted nothing from the western world. They actually killed a lot who weren't Portuguese. 外文:https://www.quora.com/Why-did-European-colonial-powers-never-conquer-China-like-they-did-with-India Shiv, Senior Manager, Information Security (2009-present) 无论是谁接管中国(俄罗斯?还是英国?),欧洲也不会同意,并且他们也担心欧洲列强之间的发生战争(比如18世纪的英法战争——这场战争不仅发生在欧洲,还发生在印度和加拿大)。美国人也反对任何欧洲国家接管中国,并希望中国对所有国家的商人和传教士都能“开放门户”。 即使在莫卧儿帝国的鼎盛时期,印度也从未真正统一。想象一下神圣罗马帝国时期,甚至还要糟糕十倍。这是殖民时期的印度,很容易陷入困境。另一方面,在18世纪中国仍然是世界强国,康熙和乾隆皇帝,铁腕治国。除了钟表和枪支,中国不需要西方世界的任何东西。 First of all China didn't allow European nations to enter China for about 200 years. When British entered, it used to sell opium in China which was opposed by Chinese go nment. This led to the first opium war in 1839 which was lost by China. After the war China had to sign Nanking treaty with England which have England the control of four Chinese ports. Taking the advantage of the development, in the following 10 years America, France, Belgium, Holland, Portugal and Russia sought commercial concessions with China. The Turks at one point of time battled with the Europeans & blocked the land route, & Europeans were forced to search for an alternative sea route., & they succeed. So the interest first was the Condiments, followed by import of Cotton, Hessian, Indigo pigment, Muslin etc. India then was ruled by small kings, & they could be easily be overpowered by British gun & diplomacy. 早在东印度公司得势之前,印度政府(莫卧儿帝国)就已经瓦解了。东印度公司面对的是不同的地方军阀,而他们并不受莫卧儿皇帝控制。事实上,直到1947年,印度仍有三分之一的地区处于地方“王公”的控制之下。 Raunak Tolani 中国能够避免像印度那样的殖民化,是因为中国是一个政治上统一的国家,有着悠久的文化统一和独立传统。所有的列强都不愿放弃中国这个潜在市场,尤其是在美国宣布“门户开放”政策这个额外红利之后。 The Qing refuse to give the colonial trade company a formal status in the beginning. This lead to that GB could not control the situation before the other European colonists coming. China avoided colonization like India because it was in a better position, being a politically unified state with a long tradition of cultural unity and independence. That none of the rival powers was willing to lose out on the potential market of a unified China, especially after the United States proclaimed its preference for an Open Door policy, was an additional bonus Both Columbus and Vasco da Gama came looking for India. China was secondary to India in terms of importance for the Western powers. India was considered necessary for survival colonial powers while China was 'these grapes are sour' scenario. 中国被许多欧洲国家征服过。在当时“瓜分中国”是非常有名的成语。两次鸦片战争打破了中国无政府主义的统治。 部分原因在于王朝周期不同,比方说一个帝国在衰亡之前已经兴盛了两个世纪。莫卧儿帝国从18世纪中期开始衰落,也就是从东印度公司开始入侵时,而满清帝国从19世纪中期开始衰落。 Alex Pog The USA was against it, but was not strong enough at the key times, late 19th century. The British Empire was also against it, and that was decisive. Ajoy Chatterjee, works at Retired After the second opium war Chinese go nment became weak. The European countries wanted to divide China which was named as'The cutting off Chinese watermelon'. According to it, England controlled business and excise of China, France controlled Chinese postal service, Chinese railways were controlled by Europe. But America didn't wanted to divide China. Therefore in 1899 America came up with its 'open door policy' through which every nation had right to trade in China. Therefore European nations didn't brought China under its control. 另一个可能是,19世纪中期是西方帝国之间竞争的间歇期。在1756年至1763年的全面战争中,英法两国在世界各地的前线作战,英国在北美和印度都取得了胜利,其中包括在印度建立英国控制的军队。(后来法国鼓励美国人放弃英国,拿破仑把路易斯安那卖给了美国,但拿破仑向印度的进军在埃及陷入停滞。)1880年后,新欧洲列强掀起了一股新帝国主义。但在19世纪40年代,英国和法国都在考虑从一些非洲殖民地撤军,认为在那殖民不值当。 从1870-1894年,中国似乎是稳固的并且拥有比日本更庞大的舰队。 Centralization of authority in name continued to the end of the Qing dynasty. In China the Qing dinasty wasn’t collapsing when the europeans arrived and the Qing resisted for a hundred years, surviving even the Taiping Rebellion. There were no rival regional powers in China to serve as allies and eventually be annexed as colonies like there was in India or Africa. And when China finally fractured it was too late: the europeans lacked the means and the will to the kind of war that would be needed to carve up China, it would be long, it would be harsh, and it would fail before the rising chinese nationalism. Also, by then the chinese were alredy armed with western weapows, even if obsolete weapows, and were learning how to adapt western military tactics to chinese civilization, as they would show in their suberb infantry tactics in the Korean War. 名义上,中央集全一直持续到清朝末期。 日本和俄罗斯都认为中国在他们的势力范围,而其他西方大国则认为他们已经阔张到了极限,而且不太可能进一步扩大自己的势力范围。在让中国开放贸易的过程中,花费了大量时间,而在印度,成立东印度公司没有遇到任何障碍,从而加快了帝国在印度阔张的计划。同时,列强集团的最新成员-美国不接受殖民原则,更倾向于种族理论,以至于他们甚至拒绝菲律宾成为美国的一部分。 David Totoo, working on user experience China, through almost all of its modern history has been one unitary state under an emperor. And the han Chinese always felt a shared identity. 首先,有大约200年,中国都不允许欧洲国家进入中国。当英国人进入中国时,曾在中国出售鸦片,而中国对此表示反对。这导致了1839年的第一次鸦片战争,中国战败。战后,中国与英国签订了《南京条约》,英国控制了中国的四个港口。在接下来的十年里,美国、法国、比利时、荷兰、葡萄牙和俄罗斯都在寻求让中国作出商业让步。 严格说来,中国是欧洲的半殖民地,但他们没能把整个中国殖民化。 Later on, the Europeans did do a lot of pseudo colonization. This was mainly due to weak local leaders and co ption among eunuchs and high officials, along with of course isolationist policies. So, China fixed it's own problem: it destroyed the old empire, tested a few new ones and brought about the PRC, which is unified and actually logical unlike the Qing. Randy McDonald, Torontonian and loving it In China the Imperial Government continued to 1911 - there was disorder, but no total breakdown of central authority as there was in India. Indeed the British (now presented as always the enemies of the Imperial Government of China) were SOMETIMES the allies of the Imperial Government of China - for example against the (insane) Taiping Revolt of the mid 19th century (led by a lunatic who thought he was the younger brother of Jesus Christ and wanted to establish an egalitarian society - much like the blood soaked tyrant MAO, the murderer of tens of millions of people, wanted to do in the 20th century). Indeed General Gordon made his name (“Chinese Gordon”) fighting FOR not against the Chinese go nment - unlike “Clive of India” (a century before) who had conquered Bengal. Chandravadan Trivedi, former Retired Fishery Scientist The major part of Chinese have one cultural indentity and one language. China was subjugated by not one but many Europeans powers. ‘Cutting of Chinese melon’ became very famous phrase back then. And yeah, Opium wars broke the neck of the Chinese anrachic rulers. 在中国,皇权政府一直延续到1911年。虽然当时存在混乱,但中央郑权并没有像印度那样完全瓦解。事实上英国在某些时期也是中国皇权政府的盟友——例如帮助震压19世纪中期疯狂的太平天国起义。事实上,戈登将军(参加震压太平天国的英国将领)并不是为了反对中国而战。不像“印度的克莱夫”(一个世纪以前,英国在印度建立殖民统治的奠基者),征服了孟加拉。 和印度不同,英国人对中国没有兴趣。虽然英国人入侵过中国,但他们发现这并不值得。此外,由于中国太大了,英国不可能控制这个国家的大部分地区。 殖民的种子曾撒在欧洲人的味蕾上。但君士坦丁堡沦陷后,通往奥斯曼的贸易通道基本上对欧洲人关闭了。他们仅剩的调味品只有盐。除了印度以外,他们还能在哪里找到这些作料呢?于是他们扬帆起航,有的向西方航行,结果发现了美洲,有的则向南方航行,结果也相当成功。当时的中国对欧洲来说似乎太遥远了。达伽马首次踏足印度是殖民的第一步。 殖民者几乎都征服过中国,但他们必须互相分享成果,没有一个能够占领整个中国,像英国对印度所做的那样。 在义和团运动时期,中国沿海的前哨主要是桥头堡和装煤港,当列强决定“入侵”中国时,这些桥头堡就变成了殖民地。 版图上的影响范围仅仅是始于1895年中日甲午战争开始的那场危机,揭示了中国的弱点,当时的强国日本,德国,以及俄罗斯都想要建立帝国。直到1900年义和团危机期间和之后,美国采取果断的干预措施“保持中国的领土完整”,才成为分割线。 Quora User 所有这些都帮助中国在相当长一段时间内远离了列强阔张的视野。 china is a whole mother story. On the other hand,badshah jahangir of India readily allowed European nations to erect business colonies in India. Indian kings were indulged in wars. This gave opportunity to European nations to easily conquer India. 中国之所以不能被殖民化,是因为他们已经有了一个统一的身份,任何征服中国的企图都将招致持续的反抗,使得无法在经济上支持入侵中国的举动。虽然英国人很容易征服清朝,但要完全摧毁这样一个庞大的国家将是极其困难的。到最后,他们发现敲诈清政府和控制贸易更有利可图。 From 1870-1894 China seemed solid and had a larger fleet than Japan. Quick answer is that India was divided into several realms with competing hierarchies. Replacing the top man and taking over bit by bit was not too difficult and as the impact on locals was limited (and initially often positive to some extent) it could be done with miniscule resources at a fairly low up front expense. Taking China a colossal single state would have required a full fledged invasion and subsequent occupation which none of the western powers had the funds or manpower for. Gwydion Madawc Williams, Read a lot about history, and note some general patterns. 几乎在整个近代史上,中国都是统一国家,而且汉人的身份认同都一样。 Yuvraj Patil, B.A. History, Savitribai Phule Pune University (2017) The spheres of influence on the map are only from the crisis starting with the Sino-Japanese War in 1895 which revealed China's weakness at a time when several newly rising powers like Japan, Germany, and Russia wanted to build empires. They nearly became partition lines until the USA intervened decisively during and after the Boxer crisis of 1900 to insist on China's integrity. Britain was able to conquer India because India was always diverse and politically divided between empires, this disunity allowed them to pitt the Indians against one another. 他们有认真考虑过。但中国比印度更加统一,而且大多数中国人认为中国应该保持统一。 第二次鸦片战争后,中国变得软弱无力。欧洲国家想要瓜分中国,英国控制了中国的商业和消费税,法国控制了中国的邮政服务,欧洲控制了中国的铁路。但美国并不想分裂中国,因此在1899年,美国提出了“门户开放政策”,通过这一政策,每个国家都有权在中国进行贸易。因此,欧洲国家没能完全控制中国。 In addition - and I dont mean this derogatory in any way - China had tea and silk and nothing else the West wanted. India was rich in raw materials and gems and timbers and plenty of fiefdom with grand palaces and estates ready for the taking. China was inaccessible in many areas, vas, and not worth the effort from a business point of view. The Portuguese and the Dutch took the big islands to build forward trading bases but then realised that China had little to trade and wasn't interested in anything the west had to offer. The Brits discovered tea and started producing opium to have something to trade. Then they planted tea themselves and china became even less profitable. Aside from the opium now being sold for silver. All of these circumstances helped China remain out of the eyes of imperial expansions for quite a long time. 另一方面,印度的贾汗格尔(莫卧儿皇帝)欣然允许欧洲国家在印度建立商业殖民地。印度国王到处征战,这给了欧洲国家轻松征服印度的机会。 Also the Europeans could not agree who would take over China (would it be Russia? would it be Britain?) and feared a return to wars between European powers (such as the wars between Britain and France in the 18th century - which were fought in India and Canada, not just in Europe). The AMERICANS also opposed any European power taking over China - and wanted an “open door” policy for merchants and missionaries from all nations. British motives were mostly that the ruling class were over-extended with what they already had, but did not want to include outsiders. Nor did they want to extend other rival empires. When the europeans started serious invasions in India the old Mughal Empire was crubling. From his apex, in which it ruled from Afghanistan to southernmost tip of the subcontinent, the mughals fell to be barely able to hold Delhi. Many small, competing states were trying to fill the political vacuum, like the marathas and the Durrani Empire. The british and the french chose sides in these wars and in a series of complex conflicts the british won. But it was only possible because the old empire had collapsed and 200 years before, when the portuguese, spanish and dutch arrived in India, they had to limit themselves to small citadels, like Goa, because the mughals where a rising power. 因为在清朝统治下,中国是统一的。但是印度却不是。马拉塔人(18世纪)曾是莫卧儿的替代品,但很快就消亡了。贾特拉帕蒂(领导起义反对莫卧儿帝国的统治,建立了马拉地帝国)的统治由当时的佩什瓦接手(佩什瓦的权力相等於现今的总理)。后来,马拉地帝国分裂成联盟国如辛迪亚、噶克瓦德、霍尔卡和Bhosale。也有其他政治实体如锡克人、贾特人等,他们的政策也各不相同。这意味着马拉地人未能保持团结统一,而其他新的政治形态为英国人提供了入侵印度的机会。
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