您正在浏览:主页 > 游戏新闻 > ComparisonofterminalindicatorsscoringmethodsbetweenESGBandEE
作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2020-08-13 17:43
Additionally, regarding the comparative study case, a GBRT adopted in Taiwan named EEWH is a suitable one for ESGB. Two reasons, at least, can explain the significance of EEWH to polish ESGB. Firstly, EEWH is a relatively mature system with QES. As shown in Tab. 1, EEWH was established in 1999 with 7 times revision till now[10], which was built earlier than CASBEE (2002), NABERS (2005) and Green-Mark (2005) (Fig. 1). Most importantly, EEWH included QES since 2005[10], which was upgraded 4 times until now. As shown in Tab. 1, EEWH’s QES is more mature than ESGB (establishing QES in 2014 without revision). In addition, the comparison of some general information between ESGB and EEWH can be achieved in Tab. 1. 1. Introduction 1.3 Comparative study case choosing Overall, this study focuses on the comparison between ESGB and EEWH from the perspective of SMTI and seeks to provide some enhancing suggestions to ESGB finally. The main contributions of this study are: (1) serving as the key input and information for authorities of SMTI of QES in GBRTs and (2) providing a useful reference to the evolving of SMIT related to the green buildings that may be applicable in other contents. 2.1 ESGB 2. A brief introduction of ESGB and EEWH and version selection Lots of comparison studies[4,8] among ESGB and other earlier established GBRTs such as BREEAM and LEED have been conducted, so as to assist the polishing of ESGB. However, currently, the comparisons were primarily concentrated on evaluation contents in four levels, labeled as the general comparison, category comparison, criterion comparison, and indicator comparison[8], rather than the quantitative evaluation system (QES). Apparently, more attentions need to be focused on QES, since that the quantitative evaluation is less likely to be impacted by the subjective judgment compared to the qualitative evaluation. Thus, quantitative assessment approach is strongly recommended by some world leading GBRTs, such as BREEAM, the earliest established GBRT in the world, set up “ Use quantified measures for determining environmental quality” as one of the basic development principles”[9]. Furthermore, the bottom stage of QES is the quantitative scoring of terminal indicators, which also serves as an initial and foremost step of QES. Hence, this study focuses on the comparison of quantitative scoring methods of terminal indicators (SMTI), so as to fill the research gap partially.
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