您正在浏览:主页 > 游戏新闻 > 你见过空无一人的赌城吗?雷霆之怒公益服我的美国防疫日记! | 抗击新冠肺炎疫情
作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2020-08-10 09:10
给美国小伙伴的小贴士(绝非广告哟!)vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 超市近况vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 最后和大家分享一个好消息:我们终于买到了厕纸,前天早上我夫人起床后,打开门看到这个厕纸后开怀大笑,因为本来她准备从上海快递厕纸来美国!这下可以不用做那么荒唐的事情了。我们的经验是百折不挠,我们尝试了一周才买到的。vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 中国有句俗语是“民以食为天”,雷霆之怒BT版,在美国也不例外。这里所有的超市都正常运行,除了个别的日用品买不到,提到日用品你们一定知道是什么了。没错!就是厕纸和厨房用纸…其他的东西都正常供应,你看这是我拍的超市的照片:vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 l have not been to the supermarket at least 2 weeks. My wife is a computer expert, and she found an online APP. As long as you placed orders online, you could receive them directly at home. Of course, giving service charges was essential. She also bought my birthday gift on this APP. Guess what?vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 如果寄到美国不可以超过2公斤哦!总费用算起来400RMB,时间2周左右。vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 厕纸大作战vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 Busy days passed quickly, and we didn't forget to exercise. I drive to go to mountains, parks and lakes almost every week. I am proud of Las Vegas! Wherever you drive in any direction, you can always see the beautiful scenery! There are not many people in these places and everyone keeps a safe distance from each other! So you don't have to worry.vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 凯西的隔离日常vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 UPS:the surgical mask cannot be sent. You can choose UPS to send other things, but the cost of 2 kg is about 800-900RMB, and the arrival time is about 1 week.vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 Besides eating, one of the hardest jobs was to repair the house and clean the yard! Now l have enough time to do these things that l have wanted to do for a long time. I cleaned up the entire backyard, and made a small outdoor gym by myself. When it is finished, I will show you immediately.vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 We sent 70 masks, which were less than 2 kg in total.vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 在修整期间,我们必须要去nursery,因为他们家不提供送货上门,不过homedepo可以提供网上快递,每次快递费大概10美元左右。在nursery都提倡人与人隔离6英尺,在我最后去的几次偶尔看到有人戴口罩,但大多数人还是没有戴。vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 The most unexpected thing happened. My water heater in the kitchen suddenly broke down. Fortunately, our neighbor accompanied us to buy a new one the same day and installed it.vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 In fact, we just closed all the non-essential shops here. There was no ban driving on the street, so you could still see a lot of cars on the road. In the past, there used to be traffic jams, but now it's not so crowded.vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 Finally, I would like to share with you a piece of good news: we finally got some toilet paper. The morning before yesterday, my wife got up, and found the toilet paper had been sent! We didn’t have to deliver the toilet paper from Shanghai to the United States! We tried for a week to buy these. How crazy!vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 Las Vegas has been quarantined for nearly a month. It’s the first time in history that all gambling and hotels have been closed. How is everyone’s life? Now l will tell you something about this month.vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 SF:you can send protective supplies such as masks and protective clothings, masks value should not exceed 1000RMB, and you should provide bills. And the weight of these things does not add up to more than two kilograms! The total cost is 400RMB and the arrival time is about 2 weeks.vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻
顺丰:可以寄口罩和防护服等防疫物资,但总价值不得超过1000元人民币,且需要提供发票。vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 拉斯维加斯大部分酒店都贴出了这样的告示牌,“当疫情结束,我们一起好好庆祝一把”vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 和大家分享一个最近2周我们都没有去过超市的秘密。在大家都去超市采购,又因为人太多而烦恼时。我在家不出门就可以买到所需要物资的秘密,当然是因为我有一个世界最棒的夫人!我夫人是电脑高手,她在网上找到一个APP,可以直接在网上买,然后送到你家门口,每个月只需10美元的运送费,当然每单还要给司机小费和服务费。但只要能在家就可以买到需要用的物资,就很棒啦~我的生日礼物她也是在这个APP上买的,你们猜猜是什么?嘿嘿!vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 生活也很会开玩笑,不经意的时刻突然使个绊子。就当我们忙的不亦乐乎时,我们的厨房热水器突然坏了,幸好我们的邻居当天就陪我们去买了一个新的,并装好。于是我们多了一个新工程--粉饰洗衣房。vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 大家可以看到超市里物资还是很充足的,价格也不错,基本和疫情之前一样。除了个别有贵20%左右,比如我一直喜欢吃的这个面包,以前是5美金左右,现在贵了20%。超市为了方便老年人,早上的特别时段仅对老年人开放,不过我的一些朋友去过后都说太糟糕了,人多到离谱。vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 从上周开始我们每周会有一个家庭会议,用zoom和在纽约的亲戚视频电话。纽约情况真的挺严重,我一个做法官的亲戚刚刚被确诊了。万幸的是,他不是很严重,并且已经在康复中,病毒应该没有入侵他的肺。大家也开始有意识要戴口罩,不过在纽约还真买不到。所以我让我上海的同事帮忙买了口罩,快递到纽约,这里有快递的经验和大家分享,如果你们有需要可以找到最好的方法。我2月15日从船上下来忙着买口罩寄到中国,现在又让中国寄口罩到美国……vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 UPS:医用口罩是不能寄的,如果选择UPS寄其他物品,2公斤所需费用大约800-900RMB,时间1周左右。vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 忙碌的日子过的很快,不过我们也没有忘记要运动。基本每周都会开车去附近的山间、公园、湖边走走。这里我要为拉斯维加斯自豪一下,无论往哪个方向开半小时都可以回归大自然风景中!这些地方人都不多,人与人之间都保持安全距离,所以大家不用担心。vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 我选择的是DHL的爱心防疫包,很贴心。再和大家分享一个小Tips哦~大家可以在网上提前查询DHL的线下门店,去到店里咨询哦~在网上90%是约不到的(这是我的小经验)。vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 我们在前院种的花和草都已经长出,我夫人特别的自豪!vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 After this extraordinary period, I hope everyone can come to beautiful Las Vegas! Hope everyone be safe and healthy now!vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 The biggest worry thing for people who were quarantined were if they had enough food and especially if they had toilet paper or some reason. Everybody was buying all of the toilet paper! It was very hard to buy! Excecp for these, there is no shortage of food anywhere. All the supermarkets here are running normally. But if you want to buy toilet paper and kitchen paper, you are out of lack! Look at these photos!vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 中国快递物资到美国小贴士vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻 在拉斯维加斯,这里把所有非必要的商店关了,没有对于上街和开车禁令。在马路上你还是可以看到很多车,只是以前傍晚会堵车,而现在任何时间都不会堵车。vmI北方热点_热点头条新闻
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