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作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2019-05-10 20:59
Question 3: How does the author bring her book to life? 24。 C) Their preference for private services。 Question 21: what has a Japanese research team tried to do? During the arctic winter from October to March, the average temperature in the frozen north typically hovers around minus 20 degrees Celsius。 But this year the Arctic is experiencing much higher temperatures。 On February the 20th the temperature in Greenland climbed above freezing or zero degrees Celsius and it stayed there for over 24 hours。 Then on February the 24th the temperature on Greenland‘s northern tip reached six degrees Celsius。 Climate scientists describe the phenomenon as stunning。 Weather conditions that drive this bizarre temperature surge have visited the Arctic before。 They typically appear about once in a decade。 youdaokaoshen However, the last such increase in temperature took place two years ago。 This is troubling as climbing arctic temperatures combined with rapid sea ice loss are creating a new type of climate feedback loop which could accelerate Arctic warming。 Indeed, sea ice cover in the Arctic is melting faster than expected。 Without those masses of cooling sea ice, warm air brought to the Arctic can penetrate further inland than it ever did before。 The air can stay warmer longer too。 This drives additional melting。 Overall earth is warming at a rapid pace。 2014 through 2017 rank as the hottest years on record and the Arctic is warming twice as fast as any place else on earth。 This raises unique challenges for Arctic wildlife and indigenous people who depend on Arctic ecosystems to survive。 Previously climate forecasts predicted that Arctic summer ice would disappear entirely by around 2060, but based on what scientists are seeing now the Arctic may be facing summers without ice within 20 years。 B:I‘m afraid you have to adhere to the assigned topic。 Still, If you’re interested in nature, then that certainly can be worked into your dissertation。 We‘ve talked about Hume before in class right。 lecture 2 B) They have long been discriminated against。 Today‘s crisis in care for older people in England has two main causes。 20。 A) Drive trains with solar energy。 19。 D) The theoretical aspects of sustainable energy。 25。 B) They have long been discriminated against。 六级听力 A:Oh yeah, he‘s the philosopher who wrote about where our ideas of beauty come from。 7。 B) Nature。 B:Yeah,that‘s much too large a topic。 You really need to narrow it down in order to make it more accessible。 Otherwise you’ll be writing a book。 A:the general topic I chose is aesthetics, but that‘s as far as I’ve got I don‘t really know where to go from there。 I like how the book is clearly written with each chapter brought to life by pieces of fascinating knowledge。 youdaokaoshen For example in one chapter she exposes a myth that I‘ve heard taught by university physics professors。 I’ve often heard that medieval glass windows are thicker at the bottom because glass flows like a fluid。 This, she shows, is not true。 The distortion is actually thanks to a peculiarity of the glassmakers process。 A) Drive trains with solar energy。 They also provided home and community services including meals, day centers and home helpers and other subsidized services。 The National Health Service was free and wholly publicly provided。 It delivered the best health-care for all。 No such vision guided residential and community care though。 The care was substantially provided by voluntary services which worked together with local authorities as they long had with eligibility based on income。 Today, life expectancy has risen from 66 for a male at birth in 1948 to around 80 now。 In addition, there is better overall health and improved medical knowledge and care。 youdaokaoshen This means an unprecedented number of people are surviving longer in conditions requiring expert support。 Families provide at least as much care as they ever did。 Even so, they can rarely without subsidised support address serious personal needs。 Care for older people faced persistent criticism as these trends became apparent。 From the early 1960s, local authorities were required to plan health and welfare services。 The aim was to enable older people to remain in their own homes for as long as possible, but this increased concern about the lack of coordination between free health and paid-for social care。 Through the 1970s, a number of measures sought to improve matter。 However at a time of financial crisis, funding diminished and little changed。 In the 1980s, the government cut spending。 Meanwhile, preference for private over public services made management even more difficult。 Simultaneously, the number of sick older people grew。 Governments emphasized the need to improve services。 They did so though while doing little to stop the erosion of available aid。 Services were irregular across authorities。 Unless you were prepared to pay, they were increasingly difficult to obtain for any but the most severely disabled。 Why has 60 years of criticism produced so little change。 Discrimination against older people has a long history。 Additionally, those affected by inadequate health and social care are too vulnerable to launch the protests that have addressed other forms of discrimination。
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