您正在浏览:主页 > 游戏新闻 > 曾经与未来的雷霆之怒BT私服命运 美系T23或成金币车
作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2019-04-19 14:22
Now for those disappointed that the good ole T23 would be back as a tier 7/8 premium, cheer up. As I said in the last paragraph, the US has an abundance of medium tanks and any could fill the void of a higher tier premium tank that acts as a true medium(The T26E4 is a medium in name only). I can list about half-a-dozen off the top of my head, however I don't want to spoil any future articles. The T23 itself is not a suitable candidate for tier 7 or 8 primarily due to the gun. A premium T23 or T23E3 wouldn't be more/less an M4A3E8 with less RoF and a higher top speed. The T23/T23E3 would be a good tier 6 premium, at tier 7 it is a stock T20 with better turning while being outgunned by most tier 6 tanks, at tier 8 it would be simply fodder. 如果你真的想让T23回来,以我的观点和WG的一贯行为模式,你得点亮它,而且WG会给它脑补一门M3 90mm火炮。甚至是T54 90mm火炮。可能会装备老T23那样的强劲的引擎。 因为T23的那门牙签炮,不能胜任7到8级的战斗。T23金币车可以想成射速减慢极速更高的大馒头,T23和T23E3将会是一辆不错的6级金币车。在七级的话它就是一辆转向更好的T20,但是可以被大部分6级车击穿,8级?你开玩笑吗? T23E3或者M27是美国中坦线的一辆不错的车。美国中坦很多,足够再凑一条线的了。希望T23有一天能以6级金币车或者更高的级别的车辆在美国的科技树上面出现。
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