您正在浏览:主页 > 游戏新闻 > 2018年11月13日雅思考试预测机经汇总(版本合集!)
作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2018-12-04 11:25
?ozs=76262-2709(将网址复制到浏览器地址栏,即可) B. children caring 2. first workshop 提供什么服务 5. Where is the information display? Part 2
7. Problem: noise of a train
B. health
d. pay after your finish 来了以后走时交
场景 问卷调查
C. Help next presentation
场次 20110213 20120519 20070901 2008 2006
5. free of charge :A yellow box
5. Health Service 的满意度
Home (accommodation)
10. Savvy booklet(常识,介绍手册的名字)
填空 7
Is laughing beneficial to children, how about old people?
B. Too long
Do you think adults are likely to be happier than children?
A. Need more examples
(先说没想到学生不是考虑 Financial 什么的,最后提到了 family)
C. finding accommodation
3. Methods technology -- B. Too long
9. vibration on plane and end of a tunnel
Where do you live?
b. free enter 不要钱
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