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作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2018-08-11 03:14
Ancient Xiguan House and Dongshan Mansions 西关和东山 艇仔粥 陈家祠 PARADISE FOR GOURMETS 广州塔 Sampan Porridge 肠粉 广州美食关键词 广州作为美食之都广为人知。作为粤菜的代表,广府菜不追求对味蕾的刺激,而是旨在还原食材的原味和鲜度。粤菜取材广泛,囊括山珍海味。兼之千余年来和海外互通有无,粤菜更是采纳西餐特色,菜品讲究档次。广州人对美食的追求众所周知,早茶和精美的茶点是广州人追求精致生活的代名词。广州食肆遍布大街小巷,在南园、北园、泮溪等传统酒家,人们可以品尝到地道的广州美食。 玩在广州 广州玩乐关键词 食在广州 TOURIST ATTRACTION 煲仔饭 Shrimp Dumplings Claypot 广州是岭南地区的政治和文化中心,有着上千年的悠久历史。千百年来的对外通商孕育出了独特的广府文化。在广州老城,BT雷霆之怒私服,人们可以饱览广州的传统建筑,品味美味的传统小吃。名企云集的珠江新城则是新广州的代表。无论在充满现代感的花城广场还是人声鼎沸的北京路、琶醍,现代广州人在追求财富的同时,也在践行着他们的新生活方式。 Beijing Road and Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street 北京路和上下九 Guangzhou, well known as the paradise for gourmets, is also the centre of Cantonese cuisine. Diversity and richness have long been part of Guangzhou's food culture. Guangzhou has become a kaleidoscope of foods that are constantly stimulating people's taste buds, owing to the constant influx of savory foods from home and abroad. Traditional Cantonese cuisine can be found in places like Nanyuan Restaurant, Beiyuan Restaurant, Panxi Restaurant and Guangzhou Restaurant.
Barbecue-pork-filled Bun
Chen Clan Acadamy
Guangzhou is famous as the political and cultural center of Lingnan for thousands of years. In Xiguan, the traditional part of Guangzhou, people can find traditional Lingnan architecture and enjoy most authentic Xiguan food. In contrast to Xiguan, people can witness the booming vitality and glamour of the international metropolis in the Pearl River new town. In Huacheng Square and Ersha Island, you can visit plenty of artistic morden buildings, like Guangdong Museum, Guangzhou Opera House and Guangzhou Museum of Art.
Canton Tower
Steamed Vermicelli Roll
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