您正在浏览:主页 > 游戏新闻 > 美国2020年人口普查:你知道孩子们都在哪儿吗?
作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2021-02-03 05:36
斯佩尔认为,对于关心此事的居民来说,他们能做的最重要的事就是去找当地政府和州政府,问问他们在向选民宣传下次人口普查方面做了哪些工作。现在采取措施来提高2020年的幼儿统计准确率还不算晚。 在凯西基金会的美国各州儿童幸福水平排名中,新墨西哥州位列末席,其儿童贫困率和就业不安全感却高居榜首,四年级学生的阅读能力落后,还有读了四年却不能毕业的高中生。该州在2020年人口普查中可能遗漏的儿童数量也超过其他地区。在2010年的普查中,反馈率不足75%的普查区占新墨西哥州所有普查区的52%。新墨西哥州属丹佛人口调查分局管辖。人口调查局网站显示,这个分局负责的地区包括亚利桑那州、科罗拉多州、堪萨斯州、蒙大拿州、内布拉斯加州、北达科他州、俄克拉荷马州、南达科他州、得克萨斯州、犹他州以及怀俄明州,目前有11名员工。
In New York, home to the U.S. city with the highest percentage of immigrant residents, faces challenges as well. More than half a million kids in the state—or 43%—live in census blocks at risk of being undercounted and one in five kids lived in poverty in 2016. The New York regional census office currently employs seven people, according to their website. This staff is also responsible for Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
Beyond the fact that the Census Bureau’s budget has been underfunded for the last six years and that it has operated without a permanent director since June 2017, here are a few of the obstacles facing the employees that administer the survey—the results of which will determine decisions from federal to state to local levels for the next ten years—as they attempt to accurately count the young child population in the country:
What can be done before 2020?
The government’s failure to accurately represent and provide for the very most vulnerable populations in this country is a failure for all families, for the wellbeing of American children and subsequently for the future health of the nation’s next generation, explains Speer.
State and local governments can allocate funds to support the census, Speer says. She points to the efforts in California, where experts predict 750,000 children will be missed by the census in 2020. State officials are suing the federal government over the inclusion of the citizenship question and are working with community leaders to share information about the upcoming census in efforts to combat the undercount.
In recent weeks, America has been focused on the Trump administration’s controversial—and now ended—policy of separating parents and children at the border. Now, a new report reveals another way in which the needs of children, including some undocumented children, are being ignored by the U.S. government.
“And this close to the 2020 survey, it’s likely not only the citizenship question that puts the census at risk, Prewitt said. That the census is now mired in a national political conversation about immigration, as well as various court cases pushing to keep the question off the survey polarizes it in a way that could hurt response rates,” Anna Maria Barry-Jester writes for the website.
Children younger than five years old—particularly those in the most vulnerable situations—face the highest rates of undercount by the census. That matters because the census determines distribution of electoral votes and representation in Congress and dictates the allocation of more than $800 billion in federal spending, according to a study by George Washington’s Institute of Public Policy on the role of the decennial census is distributing federal funds.
The foundation’s report assesses risk of children being missed based on population traits like average education levels, poverty rates, housing costs, share of non-English speaking households, and a variety of other factors that make it more difficult to collect data on small children and their families.
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