您正在浏览:主页 > 游戏新闻 > 第六届世界组织学、信息学大会征稿通知
作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2021-02-02 23:22
Orlando , Florida, USASheraton World Each registration fee might include a maximum of one paper, whichpresentation will be included in the conference program and published inthe conference proceedings. * A CD-ROM version of the Proceedings* One volume of the hard copy version of the Conference Proceedings. Please, enter to the conference web page: , and fill the respective form. If by any reasons you are not able to access thepage mentioned above, please, try the following page: TYPES OF SUBMISSION ACCEPTED Honorary Presidents: Bela Banathy, Stafford Beer and George KlirProgram Committee Chair: William LessoGeneral Chair: Nagib CallaosOrganizing Committee Chair: Belkis Sanchez Those interested in participating in:?The Organization of Invited Session(s)?The Organization of Focus Symposium?The Reviewing Process?The Conference Promotion?Recommending Scholars/Researchers in order to have an active ORGANIZED BY THE IIIS callaos@ telcel.net.ve The conference fees will be $340 before the deadline, and $390 after thedeadline. ?WOSC: World Organization on Systemics and Cybernetics (France)?The Center for Systems Studies (UK)?Systems Society of Poland?Society Applied Systems Research (Canada)?Slovenian Artificial Intelligence Society?Simon Bolivar University (Venezuela)?Polish System Society (Poland)?Italian Society of Systemics?ISSS: International Society for the Systems Sciences (USA)?ISI: The International Systems Institute (USA)?IFSR: International Federation of Systems Research (Austria/USA)?Cybernetics and Human Knowing: A Journal of Second Order Cybernetics and Co-sponsors. Submitted papers will be reviewed. Accepted papers, which should not exceedsix single-spaced typed pages, will be published by means of paper andelectronic proceedings. Conference Secretariatscio98@ cantv.net Web page, hard copy call for papers, call for papers attached to e-mails,etc.3) Contact researchers and/or practitioners in your field to see if theycan contribute a paper to your proposed session and attend at SCI 2002.4) Collect the extended abstracts or the paper drafts from each prospectiveparticipant.5) Write a summary (1-2 page) with the main objectives, which must berelated to the invited/selected papers.6) As soon as you have 5 papers, you will complete the form regarding theinvited session papers, provided in the conference web page:) Step 7 will take your invited session to the status of an approved oneif the papers fulfil all the requirements (i.e. quality). All the approvedinvited sessions will be included in the SCI 2002 conference program. Best papers will be selected for awards and might be recommended forjournal publications. Cybersemiotics (Denmark)?CUST, Engineer Science Institute of the Blaise Pascal University (France)?Concurrency and Architecture Group, the Telematics Engineering Department of Conference CONTACTS USA Tel/Fax: +1 (407) 856-6274Venezuela Tel/Fax (office): +58 (212) 962-1519 This fee will include exclusively: 1. Major theme of the paper, related to the major themes given above.2. Paper title.3. Extended abstract of 500 to 1500 words and/or paper drafts of 2000 to5000 words, in English.4. Authors and/or co-authors with names, addresses, telephone and faxnumbers, and e-mail addresses. April 10, 2002: Submission of camera-ready papers: hard copies andelectronic versions. THE 6th WORLD MULTI CONFERENCE ONSYSTEMICS , CYBERNETICS AND INFORMATICSSCI 2002 the Univesity of Las Palmas of Gran Canaria (Spain).?The Tunisian Scientific Society (Tunisia). December 19, 2001: Invited session proposals. ?Position PAPERS REVIEWING AND PUBLICATION MAJOR THEMES INVITED SESSIONS PARTICIPANTS If you have any problems linking to the conference web pages, or you needto send or receive additional information, contact the General ChairProfessor Nagib Callaos to:ncallaos@ callaos.com ?Research Technical Co - Sponsor If the conference web pages are not accessible for you, you can also makeyour submission by e-mail, attaching it to the following e-mail addresses:nacallao@telcel.net.ve and WMSCI2001@aol.com. Details can be found at the Conference web page: to specific questions can also be requested by e-mail. December 19, 2001: Submission of extended abstracts (500-1500 words) orpaper drafts (2000-5000 words). Extended abstracts or paper drafts should be sent to the conference webpage: , filling the respective form anduploading the respective paper or extended abstract. If by any reasons youare not able to access the page mentioned above, please, try the followingpage:
(Other volumes will be available with a 40% of discount for participants)* Coffee breaks* Welcome Reception
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