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作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2021-01-20 08:53
From the creator of the popular @AccidentallyWesAnderson Instagram account (with 1 million followers and counting), Accidentally Wes Anderson(Voracious/Little, Brown) brings that particular whimsical aesthetic so synonymous with Wes Anderson films to your coffee table. The book is filled with images submitted from followers all over the world from more than 200 locations, encouraging the reader to indulge in a bit of virtual wanderlust and add some new places to the travel bucket list when borders reopen. Dolly Parton, Songteller My Life in Lyrics by Dolly Parton and Robert K. Oermann 杰西卡辛普森的回忆录出版于今年2月,似乎已恍如隔世。但这本书的热度持续了几个月,提供了很多娱乐和安慰,可能出人意料地透露出一些智慧。(由辛普森本人朗读的有声版本在长途中听起来更有效果,也更有趣。)除了一些从未公诸于世的绯闻,也介绍过去的名人男友,还有试镜选拔中的竞争,辛普森的回忆证明了她远比人们眼中看到的优秀。虽然回忆录是与写手合作完成,但辛普森之所以能够成为成功女歌手和亿万富翁(主要因为同名品牌服饰非常成功),主要因为她成长过程中遇到过巨大的压力,克服了无数逆境、焦虑和压力,其中也包括尚未成年就要过度表现性感。尽管如此,杰西卡辛普森仍然一直坚持。
《东非故事:肯尼亚、乌干达和坦桑尼亚民间故事》(Tales of East Africa: Folktales From Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania),作者:嘉米拉奥库博(Jamilla Okubo)
What is Chinatown Pretty? As examined in this gorgeous photo book from photographer Andria Lo and writer Valerie Luu, it’s a signature style worn by pòh pohs (grandmothers) and gùng gungs (grandfathers) in Chinatowns everywhere. A mix of modern and vintage, high and low, handmade and store bought, it’s all brought together into one unexpected and effortless look. Lo and Luu say they became fascinated with the style, and for the past five years, they have been photographing and interviewing trendsetting seniors in six Chinatowns across North America—New York City, San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Vancouver—asking each subject (more than 100 over the course of the book) to participate in a street-style photoshoot and to tell their personal story—sometimes funny, sometimes bittersweet, and always unexpected—behind their eye-catching outfits.
《全美女子职业棒球联盟里不可思议的女性》(The Incredible Women of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League),作者:安妮卡奥洛克(Anika Orrock)
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