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作者:雷霆之怒公益服 来源:http://www.edmi.com.cn 时间:2020-08-14 10:29
The invisible champion is often used to describe the industry that is unique and not known to the average person, but its capacity to design is often shocking enough to control most of the world's productive industries. and Nivarox far SA This company, it can be said to be well-deserved Swiss watch industry stealth champion. It controls the production of almost all the world's gossamer balance, even the invisible heart of the entire global watch industry.
期人事更迭汇总 博林腕表家族中占有举足轻重的地位。柏莱士推出新款BR03Rafale腕表
By 1984 years, Nivarox and far merged into the current enterprise, and later changed, now belong to Swatch Group. Nicholas Hayek is a very important part of the clock industrial in addition to ETA, Lemania, FP and other movement suppliers.到了1984年,Nivarox和FAR合并为现在的企业,后来又几经变更,目前归属斯沃琪集团。是Nicholas Hayek在钟表工业布局中除ETA,Lemania,FP等机芯供应商之外非常重要的一环。可以说斯沃琪集团通过这些公司基本控制了钟表工业核心零配件 的生产,目前斯沃琪还拥有多家从事表壳、表带的供应商,其在瑞士甚至全球钟表工业的影响力和控制力都是非常强的。
,直径45毫米,厚度1430毫米,防水深度300米表带:“MadMax”压花皮革表带搭配三重折叠式表扣宇舶携手WatchGallery再次推出特别限定腕表 鹰公务机问世50周年,柏莱士特别推出VintageFalcon纪念版腕表,以此向上世纪60年代的民航成就致敬。今年,两家公司再度携手合作,推出新款BR03Rafale腕表,庆祝达索航空多用途战斗机——Rafale(阵风)的成功。(图文手
Nivarox named in 1933 Dr. Straumann developed a new Ni-cr alloy, is the German: "Resist deformation and oxidation" abbreviation. The Gossamer (Hairspring) made by this new alloy can be used for non-magnetic, dustproof, rust-proof, very small thermal deformation coefficient, strong oxidation resistance and other good industrial properties. Therefore, it is widely used in watchmaking industry. Because of the excellent performance of new materials, some of the pvious complex designs were greatly simplified, which further facilitated the mechanization and industrial production of the watch industry. and Nivarox rapid rise to a unique leading enterprises. And Far Company (German: "Joint Parts Factory" abbreviation) also in 1932 years or so in force Locke (Le Locle) set up, engaged in the production and assembly of watches and clocks. All two companies were in the Asuag and belonged to Swiss state-owned enterprises.为自主机芯制造商的独特身份。(图文手表维修网)2015巴塞尔路易·威登ESCALETIMEZONE时区腕表
NOMOS于今年巴塞尔表展发布了全新的Minimatik腕表。这款腕表搭载新一代高精准机芯,架构巧妙,外观优雅,以一种全新的方式彰显女性魅力。新款DUW3001机芯高仅32毫米,Minimatik正是首批搭载这枚机芯的两款腕表之一,因而 系列数量——五个实在太多了。F1系列是入门级,竞潜(Aquaracer)、卡莱拉(Carrera)、林肯(Link)以及摩纳哥(Monaco)则是高端系列。每个系列均有多个不同价位的腕表产品,以服务更为广泛的客户群体。Q:您如何定义泰
械(可抵抗大于15,000高斯的磁场)。“15,000”这个数字并非凭空杜撰,而是切实对应核磁共振扫描(MRI)产生的高磁场环境。为了让读者对这一数据有所认知,我们举瑞士NIHS的标准作注:能够抵抗大于60高斯磁场的腕表就可 的协奏或艺术构造,SlimdHermès为时间写下纯粹的定义,象征制表艺术回归基本法则。全新腕表系列致力保存品牌的辉煌传统,突显手工技术的辽阔创作空间,无论是关于制表历史或的制表工艺,均可孕育出类拔 了宝格丽所有的独特个性。LVCEA以有力的线条结合性感的设计,其精湛的手工技艺堪称宝格丽这一意大利知名珠宝品牌超凡金属加工能力的佳明证。V型的链节设计暗合了LVCEA名称中的V字,同时亦从Serpenti系列轻撷灵感,后
It can be said that Swatch Group through these companies basically control the production of the clock industry core parts, now Swatch also has a number of shell, bracelet suppliers, its in Switzerland and even the global watch industry influence and control is very strong.智能概念表DIAGONOMAGNESIUM系列:开启未来
有很多钟表行业的专家都说,手工生产10枚超级复杂包括陀飞轮、万年历等 功能的机芯,和大规模工业化生产10万枚非常简单只有大三针时间显示功能的通用机芯,其实一样困难,解决这两种工业难题的方式方法,我相信也正造就了瑞士 钟表业法语区品牌和德语区大规模工业生产这相对的两大体系。在一个成熟品牌的产品线中,必然是手工打造的复杂腕表,和基于大规模工业生产,,适 合大多数消费群体的商务、运动、休闲腕表相结合,这也正是瑞士钟表行业为什么能够屹立于之巅的原因吧!
There are many watch industry experts say, hand production of 10 super complex including tourbillon, perpetual calendar and other functions of the movement, and mass-industrialized production of 100,000 very simple general-purpose movements with only a three-year-old-time display function, in fact, as difficult as the way to solve these two industrial problems, I believe it is also creating the Swiss watch industry's top brands and German large-scale industrial production of this relatively independent two systems. In the product line of a mature brand, it is necessary to create the top-level complex wrist watch by hand, and the combination of business, sports and Leisure watch, which is suitable for most consumer groups based on large-scale industrial production, is the reason why the Swiss watch industry can stand atop the world.
Nivarox得名于1933年Straumann博士研制的新型镍铬钢合金,是德语:“抗变形抗氧化”的简称。用这种新型合金制造的游丝(Hairspring)能够实现防磁、防尘、防锈,热变形系数非常小,抗氧化性特别强等多种较好的工业性能。因此在制表工业中得到广泛的应用。因为新材料的卓越性能,之前的一些复杂设计被大大简化,进一步促进了钟表行业的机械化和工业化生产。而Nivarox迅速崛起为一家独特的龙头企业。而FAR公司(德语:“联合零件制造厂”的简称)也在1932年左右在力洛克(Le Locle)成立起来,从事钟表零部件的生产与组装。两家公司当时都在ASUAG旗下,都属于瑞士的国营企业。
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